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Show vf douht difcujfed · CHAP· '1.7~ vi '1\!ply to hit '1.7· Cbap. Difeujfing a doubt, ho'IP Mi,.ifters may he hidden to let e.'lmichriftians alone in the Civsll StA_te. · · · Difculfer. Ifit bt objelJed,Thefofervant r, whom the HDHfeholder commaundetb to let the 'tares alone, feemt to bt Mini fieri or Mejfengerr •f tbe Gojpetl: H•wfhaU it be/JJngto them to pluc~up the 'Iaru, or to let them alone ifby tJ.eF~ildbermanttheworldl ' A,.[. The Apoftlts,andin them a/J that [ucceed them, recei11ed from the Lprd at hreefold charge. I. To let them alone, and fJot to pluck them"/> liy Pi't!Jer to Gad for , their pre[ent tunpora/1 de{lrulJion. 2. Not to propbtcy or Jenounce a prefent dejlrulJion,or extirpation of aU ·falfo Profejfours of the Name ofChrift.Tis t1'Hemany flare and fiarefu!l plaguet are powred OHt upon the Roman Emperors, and Roman Po per jet not to their umr txtirpation untill the Harvefl• ' 3·f!ot t9 plucliJhemr~p,by flirring up Civill M~~gijl~atu JJTld pawerr, to pumfh andperfecute ~llfuch per font otttef their dominiont, ar worjhip not t?e true G.~.accerdmg ~o hit revealed wi/J in Chrijl Jtjiu. 'Iu true, Eltjah thur Jll;red up Ahab to 1{!/J all the Preijlt and Prophetr ofB:.al: but that WtH m the figurativt Jlate of the lAnd of Cana• an, not t•be matcht orp_aral;dbJanyotherState, (but the SpirituaO State, or Church of Ohrijl) mall the world, puttiNg tht falfo Prophetr Spiritually to death,bJ the two· edged [word,and power of the Lord Jt[Uf, ., tbat Church oflfrael did corporallJ. • ' Defender. Thefe 3· Interpretations of, Let chemalone,areall of them fo many evafi?ns, (flippery evaliom), fought out by the fubcile wit of ~an, to wmde ouc from under the Authority of the Truth, and wordofChrift, For 1. Why !hould notthe Minifters ofOhrift Pray, either tq pluck them up out oft heir Antichrifiian Ido!acryes,or elfe to p\uck them up, as the Plantations which our Heavenly Father h~th not p'.an~d ? H~ tha~ 11\ay Pray daily forthe commi11g of . Chritl! Chrifts Kingdome, Fie may, and doth, and ought to pray for 'the comming downe of all oppofite Kingdomes. The Saints under tire Altar that prayed againft the delay of vengeance on the fuman Emperors, (Rtvel. 6. 10.)maymore ju!Hy pray againft the delay of vengeance on the Roman Antichrills. What though the State of the Roman Antichtills was to con• tinue for fun dry ages before their final! txtirpationlY et they were to expea vialls of Gods indignation co roote them out by a graduall ext• rpation in fun dry of their cheife branches, and pillars, long before the extirpation of their whole Kingdome. And what thougtJ.the Saints in old B.ibeU were co pray for the Peace of the City, as wherein chemfelves-might finde Peace ~ Yet theSaintsthatlive not in fuch Antichrillian Terricoryes, they may~ fafely pray fort he haftning of the redemption of their bre· thren out l)f the Antichrillian bondage, and·chere withall pray for the haftning of the ruine, and defvlnion of the Amichriftian Kingdome Befides, Cerraine it is from the Word of Truth, chat ci:Jt, Anti· chrillian Kingdome 01all bedellroyed, and rooted up by Chrifti• an Princes and Scates long before the great Harveft of the end of the world, as barn been !he wen above. And either fuch Princes muft performe chis greatworke without Prayer (and then it \~ere noc fanaified co God 1 Tim+ 4•~·) Or ifit be a facrificd anCt•fied to God) they muft pray forchdr defolation before they infh-8: ir. And all the feven Angells,who powre out their via lis on the Ami-chriftian State, tending to che rooting·ofic out by degrees, They either pray f6r the fucceffe of the vengeance oft heir vial!!, or elfc they doe not powrechem om in faith : which were comrary co the fpirit of fuch holy Saint£, who com• om of tht 'Iem,~le opened ;., Heaven, and are c/oathed with pure and white linnzn, and have their breaft! girded with golden girdlu, Rev. 1 ~· 6. 2, If J•hn the Apollle have Prophecied and·denour.c:d the de;· ftru&ion and extirpation. of Antichril1:ian Idolatecs, and theM whole State, why may not a Miniller and Mc!fcnger ofChrill (according co the meafure oflight received) t>pen chofe Prop_hecye~, and apply them with fevere chreatnings, again!\. them and thetr State? • Yell,bHt tb<J may not app!f,or denowiee them to their p<ifinl dtj!ru8i· on #r tiCtirpation, Yea I |