OCR Text |
Show I .::-:, '"I ._• ~J, ,.._.. .. if, t1" I tf ,d ~~'\.~ Ltberty of Confr,ienceoot~gbt to be;~ivm wor:d , unle!fe they d flurbe rice Countri<! ol the world whtre they live, with Come Capt rail Crimes. l.•.,d ifthcy dec ciflnrbc 'lteCountries whtre thc:y live, they l\Jnd and fall to the Lawr1 and Gt.vcrn mrnt s of t~.e Countries where they ir.hab'te. ' An•l therefore all the d• n?,crom C<J n feq· o e n c<~ . w\ , i :1 the Di(. . c~~U:,.g·a!he r<Oh fr"m my.fpeod>(bot->nd.e.lnot.my !poet,, IJJJt hts owne) aJ if J jhou{J d,-ive r/;<.world clltt oft he w>rld, or"'"'"""' . world upjide downt,or /tJve it 10 mcn th"t h, v.n:• Grd; fcart,to j•t/te who fi'~re God, and »ho not, anJ rhc: rdl: rhat tol!ow, they m Jil of them con( quc-nces without an 1\nticedcnt, or·an Antic,·dent withuH extiltence in ·any !p.:<.cll of mine, but ooely in ,his OWl!~ imagination. . Neither hath it any better groand,that paffionate oxdanutioo ofhis, with which he endcth chis Chapter. Heart {faith he) 0 Htavmt, and give eare 0 E.rrtJ,, 'Jia ltt U. .Hl4Vt>ltbe ajior.iflnd,a¥dtbe E4·thtrrmblt ar fwch~trhArtfwer, W bat Ant\ycr,rbinke you , might this b<,that migh< provoke not-the Di{cttf[er onely, but the Heavens and earth to fuch ,atttD· tion,admir,t;on, trembling, aftonithment! The Anfwer (fur!ooth) u th•t whicb!:e calltth A rrond~rf•/1 A,. fw~r,rrrhirb the Minifltrs nfN<.\V· E~~lar.d g ave to th< dwa ft!!tfti· en [tnt r• thtmbJ {om< AJimflt,.J •fOld.England,to :rir,rhatalttOII# they cnnfe)Jrd them to be (uch per fons IJ>IJOfil thry app ovul of,farrl ao1111 tbt>nftfVII, )U n·ho.wtre in 1/xir he11rtr tO live and aieto~"hlT: Jll if ~h'! or other go.!'ypeo~le with rh 'ln,comming over IJ rhem,foo ulddrffir tn Church- Cc nf/ltutro ~' lh<y tben ceuld 1fOt approv< their civil/ c~ h•biration wi:h 1h. m, and&ol;(eqNmtly cou'.d not advife their Mt;rifl;• t_'l , to f~ffir them to injc'J a civill 6<ing wilhin tbeir jt~if· d<fitol1. Now furc, if there wtrc any !itch Anrwrr n be fonnd in 1ha1 l~oo ke f.•undir·g to ti1cb ,, pu rp<· f~, I my ielfe thou!J joyne wirh him in the like exc!Jm Jtic n, and won:l"m,•nt. Bnt when lCJme to fcarch ft r ti at Cpecch,and neither f nJe i in the Anfw<f whirh ·ite .quoreth to the third Qudlicn n0r in that , wh'c'r [ wh<r think< he rrC-lV, rre p. I Clnnc:t bttt a.lmire wd ad,,:c r~e ·rigftttrus J u.!l(' !rer.t ol GGn , who having kh the D if~·ffu(io tim P.ookt", and l"me o•h«) ro wrirc·againfl r' e-Tru•h.'n por.t ,of Dc8:rtne, hath herein kft himto brca·ke :·orth in It! o11'!e h•nd· Liberty of Confcie»ce to be given ba~~hwriting,if!to notorious implident faHhood in rna ttcr offaEt: w. IC a~y ~nan that readcth ~hat Booke cannot but -difcerne in th~s AJieg~non. Tne Anfwer rs too luge for me to rran{cribe,buG ~ o o will m:tr reade it, and when he comparedt the Anf>\;er tn that. Booke, wuh the Anfwer in this,lre (ll•y well wonder wirh wharhearr and forbead,the Difouffer coold (o exprelfe i.t. C H A p. 76. eA Repry to his 79• Chap. Difculfer." Yea, ~Nt'[ay th•J, thq Jo,J,t '"' if1ho[e Miuiflm of Old· England fllo1fld, com• over to them, •nd B'ere here with them, thq flm•/6 •!(•t. For, r., they,either JOU 'R'illcometo >IJ ,or fhm• fiJ li~bt to come t~you :.Jo~ wee are butw•ak.! men • and dreame not of perfellion in tbu 1ifo. . ' .AlAs who k,yowe1h not 'What lAmemAbl• dijfirences have been bt>o '''"f"' the fame Jffinijlm of the Church o(England? &c. ,Let none naw thin~:£, th.zithepaiJflget• Ncw-EngT-arid 'by Sea or . t/;etnatu~e oft~• C oNntrie can dot1 tl'!iat onelJ thl Kej •tDav.id ;_" dat, to.~tt, open and /hut the Con(ciencu •f rmn. .. 'Defender. . ~dirtilot thinkethat any· ~an in 0/d.En~laml,or Ne,.,;bad been fo rgnoram, or uncharitable, as to thinlC, th>: Pen·man . of the Anfw~r co chefe Quell:,ions, had c.o)l;eiv~d,thateither the voyage by .Sea, or t~e change of the a ire froffi 6/d-E ngl.tnJ to New, could changeth~ Juagemcnu or Confciences of meo.Naturc: could tell .G"'~"':·""' •nimuzn muta,.t,quitranumre Currunt, Buryetn~ Chr~flran man is ignorant that mutual conferene<>betweenGodly, •~genuous , and fi:lfe.denying Chriftiansis a notable me,1ne8 l~n&tfied of God for theinflruction & edificotion one of another ttll weea!lcometo b< ofooemindein the Lord. El !e how fhali t~~rebe mutual~ conviCtions without muruall conferences? It is t -Key nfD•v.d onely, cbatcan open and fhut the C onfciences d~men:botthat Key ordinarily doth it in the difpenfJtio~ ofOr-tn~ llCt1-, whereof Conference is one. B b Difcuffcr. |