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Show Izo 'Princes oughe to be learned inho_ly knowledge&c. .nurfino Fathers of the -Church., •I therein·follow the foodltps of the"Holy -Gholl before me, teaehing what Princes fhould be, and fowelling what· they !hall .. be 1n.the latter dayes, lfaiah 49, 23. In which place, It was not theintmtof the Holy Ghofi, (nor mine'J to.threatmthc.Church with a rod-of Curreaion: But to.comfortthe ChU!ch wirh a doublebleffing: Firll of Fatherly provilion and proteB:ion of ·Princes ,for rhe Stcondly, of theirfubjection to the Church, in refpeB: fpirituall Ellate. What Princes may doe , in cafe the !hould J\pollato:, and become no Church : or in cafe they breake ,forth into Stdition , and Rebellion againllthe Stdte, -It is another ~cllion which I have not medled all this Difcourfe. Neither have I fpoken of Princes, as to Judge., what .is true feeding, or correcting: lea!\ of all I Gid, that all men are .bound ( efpa:ially in Confcience) their feeding , and correB:ing. Thefe are calumnies devifcd theVifcuffer. All .I have faid .{ to my remembrance) this way , Princes .ar~ .bound •to.be wile, and Learned with holy ledge that they may kitfe the Sonne, and be fubjeB: to .:Pfal. 2. Io. 11. And therefore able to difcerne of fuch rupt feeding , as dellroyeth the Foundation of Religion the foules of Gods .people , that they may be able co fuch , and ·to prefer-ve the Church from fnch and I d«.nY not that their SubjeB:s are to fubmit to in ; when they judge according to the Word ; or ~er patient! y to fuffer for well-doing, without . way of Hollility, notwithllanding any Church-power. be unfound in this dealing with Princes , I am willing heare of it. Difcutfer. .Another while, when Prince/ cro.ffe Mr. Cottons . and PraUife, tkt• it m.ilttrl not, what the Profiffion . ' of Pri7lCfl it : for , (faith he) their Profeffi•n and Pra8ife II Rule toConfcience. Defender. JfPrinces fwerve from the rule of the word,either in 'Primei 'ou,~ht to he learned in holy kr.owledge &c. praaire their ownc profeffion , or praailc is no rule either to rhemfcl~es or others. Piince5 ought not to rule the word, but are robe rdlcdby ir. But fee the notoriuus CJ]umny, of the DiCcuffer, fo repr<fcnting M' Cottom dealing with Princes, as if_ he made his owne judg<~nent and praatfe the rule of the proccedmg ofPrinces. Men whafe tongues are their o~ne, m~y lpcake any thing: But yet fuchasfeare che Lord, would tremble at fuch lpeeches,as nei ther exprelfc T1nth,nor Love. Difcutfcr 1 atk! tben,rmto 'IIPhat Princu or Magiftr~tu,will tbrm{elvn, or any fo perfw•dd, fubmit to, Atttnto k!epert of both Ta6ler, and nurfiug Father!, andMotb,rt, tot he Ch11rch l · · Firft .,.,ill it not evident!] follow by thefe Tenentt, T hat they ought 1fl1t to {itbmit to any Magijlratet in the -world, in theje G~tftt , but to Magijlrater j•Jioftheir own<Conft;ett<e? 1 ~ ' Defender, • " :. We fubjefr our fdvcs to all !om ofMag·ifirates oft he Countries where we live, or whether we com•, whcthcrChrillian, or Pagan, Orthodox,or erroneous, juft of our Confciences, or unjnll againft them. Subj ~ctourfelves, Ifay,either in atl:ive fubmiffion, and obedience, when they command according to God: o, in paffive fubmiffion, of ourbodyes, and goods, lives, and· liberties, when they cbmmand againft@od. Since the Difcuffcr concludeth, it will evidently follow, that wee will fubmit to no Magiflrates, but juft of our owne Confciences.let him make that evident, which he faith, is evident, or elfe, lee him fay, heisevi• dendymiftakcn,ne quiddicam graviru • Difcuffer. Sec•11df] ,,.;It it not al(o follow ,thdt all other Con(ciencet i11 the world, (except their • .,., .. ,) muft ue perfecut<d 6y jllch tbcir tMaiflr~tet? Defeuder • This will no wayes follow , unleffe all mens Confcicnces in the world did erre Fundamentally, and obftinately after juft convic'tion, again!\ the very Principles of Chrillian Religion, or at leafl,unle{fe they maintained,and held forth other errors (though not Fundamentally fubverting Religion, yet Fundamentally fubvming Church-Order) and civill order) and thatin a turbulent, R. · and 119 |