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Show '118 ·V'rfAgiftrates m14ft 4sift the Chzmhe·s. Church· power :to wit, for the healing of the foules of fuch feducers, (if they belonged to Chrifr) as alfo for keeping thofe Chur· . ches pure f~om ~he fellowfbip of the guilt of thci< Act (in teachi~ falfe Dotl:rmes)whom they had duly ce!j{urcd. B\lt the puw~r o1 thofe Chil~hes and Arig<:ls waJ not {Qf!icient to prevent the further fprcarlm~ of the Leaven of their falfe Doct1 ines, botllin fvc~ as wuc cut of the Church,and in private,amongfr the member1of t~e C~urch,who might adhere to them. l\1uch lt.ffe W<\1 thll'l\(· .nng fon~ of the Church~p?wer agaiofr them fuffidern to .;1!<[! the .~agtfrrates of a ~hnfir~n State from the guilt of Apofr~6!~l ~u~enng fuch Apofrates a~or1g!t th_em,wlw woulp pe ready tQ{Qlrcuemany fimpfe fouleS~<Jither to WJ[h·hold ~nd With·draw !Qf!J• felves from the Fdlowfhrp of the Churches,or in the ·Churc~1119 withdraw from tbe Lord JeCus. · · Qifculfer. Lafl~,from thif Perv<_r~ fl'r!jli:ng _of what H Jl'r# to the Cburch,fll!l the O.fficer I thereof, a1 if •t wer.e wrtt to the Civii/Ojficeu, anrJ St¢i thereof, all may (ee how firm tile Ap~flacie of Antichrijl the Cbrifli• w~rlt} (fo ca/leJ) h~th (wallowed up Chrijlianity, how the Chu>"cb, ~ .C•vz/J St,m,.that "• the Church and the JPer/{J are now becomeRmfW, of Jefw ~brijl,&:. Defender. Here1s no wrefrlng,n;mph le!fe perverfe wrefring of ~ny Scripture at all, from the Churi:b, totheCivill State. Jintended to ~P' .ply the Scripture written to the Churches, and to ~he 0/liqq the~eof,no further then to other Churches and their Officers. Tht "Scnpmres upon which we call i_n the Maglfirate to the punilh_mcll! of Seducers , are fuch a1 are drrected to civill StJ.tes and Mag· firates,of which divers have been mendoned,and appl;ed befor~ CHAP· 56· .A '!Vp_ly to bi5 Chap .. 58, and 59· Difcujfingthl Tefttmony of fome Prtl}ces. Difculfer. it~~r~d to)thr ficond Head ofReafom(againfl ptrfecutim forcati[!Of S · on;<Jtnq• '"it~ fro11z.tbr profeffion of ]am1!1M P4nm l!Cing ]<1fnt!1 · Ce!1h~ !'f Pol!lnd, l<ing oflilohemia. .> , Vntr --------------------------------------~----~=- Th~ pra8ifetof Prin.c.tt difcuj]ed. ·Vnto whom the Arifwerer returTJ<Jh a treble Anfwer. 1• Wee willingJy ackz!owledge, (faith he ) that none if to be perfocuted,at all~ no more then a"} may be oppreffid for rigbteoufneffe' foil!· . 0 0 0 0 Again, "" ackz!owledge,tbat none u ·to be punijbed for lm Confounce, thou•h mi(informed,Hnlr.ffe bu erti1Hrbe [Hndamentall,or fodit iertjly ami mrb:.lentlj promoted, ~nd tlw a[m due ~onviUi?n of hh Confcie~c., th•t it m'!} appeare, he 11 not f>1tntfhed for h11 Confo,.nce, bHI for jirmmg; "f,•infl hi< Confcience. Furtbermore, we ac~nowledge, none 11 to be conflrairud, to belif:.J< or pro/•Jfo the trllt &Jigion, till he be convinced in Judgement of the tmtb •fit.: but yet reflraymd hem"} befrom blajphemlnf, tbe'fr«th, andfiom· {educing any into perniciom errourJ. 'Ihuftrjl Anfwer, I believe, I havejHjficient!J cle,.rcd the wea/;nejfe of lhe F ound~tion/ thereof in the former di[c1111r{e. _ Defender. And I doubt not,butby the help ofCbrill,I have foriJ)erly-de• elar~d and convinced t'he .feeb1enelfc of the .Oppofifion made a· galnfr them, and what firme foundations thofe AnfwcNI are built upen,from tbe Scripturet ofT ruth. ~ . . • Difeulfer. Hu [econd Anfwer H thi1, wh~t Princu p'ofeffi and pra8ife it IIOt a 'fl...ule of Confiience. They mmy timt~ tolerate that in Stato Fo• li<y , which . cannot jujlly be iokrated in point of tr11e Cbrijli· ..,;!J. Againe, P.rinm m'n) timeJ toler>te Ojfendor1 out of very r~ece!fiiJ, "'btntheOjfenderJ arc toom•ny, or too mighty for them to pun~(h. ~n A>bic.b rtJPd.l DJvid tolerated Joab andhi1 murder, but agamj1 lm ... w. It may be here obferved, how tlu Anflvrrer dealeth witb Princu, om l!'hil1, they are nurfing F •thm t.o the Ch!frcb, not onely to feed,b.tt alfo to corre/J; and tbereforecOJljiq~<erllly, bo1mJ/o judge, wh•t ir true feeding and corref1ing : and confiq"''ntly all mm ar< bound to fobmjt to their feeding and correlfing. Defender. The Difculfer doth partly falfly, ·and partly fraudulently !allen upon me 1his dealing with Prince!. That I make them nurfiog ll9 |