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Show no How tl1e <..Magijtrate an AveiJger of wiU. ----;---.,J h-fo-.,,-,-rv-ill, "'the [ecret ji1mU of the S1ule: nor fi~ in. tiJeCh11rch in • pri'IJ•te w.q: nor fitCh Jiwm,. are private in Famtlt< J. A1 the """PiatntJ of Chtldren a~ainfl P arentJ ServantJ g ,infl A-!.Jperi, l!ii·uu tJg,JiltJf HuJb.JndJ: mr fr"h fi:ner aJ are b: tween tbe M~mber(, ~1zd Ch.urcbu themfdvu. Frnm whence I ob[ervr, 1. That toe 1.1•giJ!r•llf u not topunipJaUevi/1, . 2. I obfor~e , how they take awaJ from theM JgiprateJ that ll'bich tJ proper to h" cogmzmce, aJ the complai111J of Children, fervanll, Wzve1, agamfl t'hm P,~rmu, M•flerJ, Hwbandi, &c. Dejinder. When wee fay~ the Magi~rate is an Avenger of evil!: wemeane of all fo_n~, ~r kmdes ot evtll : not every pa rtlcular of each kmde: fecret ntJI,, m thought, or atfe.9:ion, yea in aliion too: but nei· 1hc! co~fe!fed, nor proved by due witne!fes: the Magiflrate can· not punt !h. , Difcu!fer. ~he diflinf1ion of {icret, or private, andf>"blic~ l!'lli!J, will not bm avazle.: becaufo fo:h a1 .urge the Terme roiU (viz. that the J.;Jogi· Jlrate u to punzfh rorV) they urge it JlriCily, eo nomine bec•ufe H~r• fie, BI•JFhemy, &,. if evi/J, &c. · ' ' Defender. \ · ''. •' But_ not limply beca?fe it is evil!, unle!fe!Jt· be alfo notoriom, at~d cvzdent, and conv11~ted by fuflicient witne!fes, and held fon_h wuh pubhck offen~e, and diflurbaoce. Neither doe the Eldm 14~ aw~yfrnm theMar.zfiraw, the cngflizrnce of the complain11 of Cbil· dren, Semanu,w.ivn, agait'.fl Parenu, M4Jieri,HrubandJ. U11letTe they be meerely priv•te, and e~ fily healed in a 'privati way, b~ Domdlicall Government, what need houfhold Govern' ment, tt every Family-offence thould be brouJ:~ht to the c~ni· zmce of the publick Magiflrate? one Ordinance of God doth not !wallow up another. . • · CH ."-P· n· How (arre eviU doers may /;e tolerated. C H A p. 5 3• A 11.Jp/y to l1is Chap. S 3> 54~ and 55· DifcutTer. THe AHthor of the Letter proceeded to a lajl Reafon from Scripture, to prO'IIe that the Difciples of Chrift Jhould be [o farre ~om perfocuting, that they O>tght to bi,JJ' them that curfe tbcm, anrl P~"•;for them that perfecute them: and that becauji of tbe freemfjeof GadJ g~ ... e, and derpneffi of hj< CounfeiJ, calling h•me tbem tbut be Emmie1, perflCI<IOr!' no people,yea (ome ~t the lafl houre. Vnto thi< Reafon the An(werer if pkafed tbm to Reply. Firjl, ingenerall, we mujl not doe evi/1 that good may come thereof: Swndly, in particular, he •ffirmeth thst it i4 evill.to tolerm fediti"" evil/ dom, feducillg Teacher!, [candalotuliverJ; a11d for proofe of this, qr<mth CbrijiJ Reproofe of tlu Ang<II of Perg.unus, and Thyatira , for tolerating B•laam, and ] tz1bel, to teach , and ftduce, Revel. 2· 14· 2 o. Defender. The Di[cujfer forgetteth himfelfe, through Incogiuncy , (if not through guile) whw he maketh tllil w have been my firlt Reply, that we muflnotdoe evil! thaogood may come thereof. For h~is not ignorant , that I gave two Anfwcrs, (or R"plyts as he caMeth them) before, in the fame place. ' Firft, when Chrifl commandeth bu Di{ciplu to bleff< them th<!t cur(< them, and perjicute tiJdtrJ) h~givet h not therein a-'R.!•Ie to pub!ick Ojficeri, wbeti:JeriR Church, or Cttmmon·wealtb , to Jl'.lfr 1Zotori?-;M Jin .. ne~J, either i" Lifo or Do8rim, to pa.ffi aW<IJ witb a-Blrffing : Lut to pr":Jtt Chrifti.pzr, to fo!Jer pcr{eCIItio" patietli!J, )ea alld to pray [.11· tbetr Perfi,;utOTJ. Againe, it i1 true, Cbrifl would h;ve bi, Difi:iple~ to be fJm f rum per[<m~ing, (for p.rfocuti•m i1 a wic~d oppre_8io!! of mw for Righteuufoe. flcf.t~:) bu& tb.# binderub 1lot, but tiJ.:ll lu n;ould :;,1'Zif tbu.,.~ execute.up:m t~ll DifohuJienct, the Judgermm ~nd vcugt.mce rcqnired i1J the Word, 2 Cor. 10· 6. Rom. 13. 4· · Bo~mthefe.Anfwers the Pifou.fjerpaffeth over in filfnce- For Iaake, as Children where they cannot re~d, thinke it bell to skip over: 1 I I |