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Show Ifa. 2. 4· Em thi< Jighteth agJinjl tb< former Trutb, to wit, that Chrif by JPirittull weapnm willfobdue theN JtionJ of the E.m~ to the obedtence of tbe G,JPel. For by driving.llvay theft Wolves, he mtcndeth not on~ly tbe Refijbnceor violence, wbicb tbe ShrpbeardJ of Chrijl ou~ht f}tritu> l(y to ma~ : bt<t tbe civill ReJ,Jla1lce of the m<tert•V SwordJ, ftavu, GUtJ.J, &.:. wheTice I e1rgue, th.1t f;rne power forceth tht_evz/J (theWolveJ) out,fnrceththef!,ood(tbe fheep) in : foroftbefome thmgJ, !) i11heli~andjjme'%afoR, &c. ' ,Defender. He fbould fay, for of concrary things, is a contrary Reafon : for !beep and wolves are not the fame things : nor are force i~, and force out the fame tbings. But howfoever, his Argument IS of the likeforce,as if he fbouldreaG:m, a man may witha 1\affeor_a Sword drive away dogs, that might by the way bite, or worrey h11 children in going to Schoole:therefore a man may with_afiaffe,or a Sword drive his children to goe to fchoole: for there IS the c.m.e Reafon ofbOLh. But doth he fpeak in good earnefi, that there II the fame Reafon of both ?Are Wolves to be driven away,and fheep brought inrothefoid by the fame Inl\rumenrs? Ye1, f•ithhc, the jJme arme that with a Jl.1Je beateth off the W•lfc, with a rod and hooke bri11geth in the Jbeep: the fame Dogg that ajfalllteth and ttareth a Wolfi, frighteth and forceth in the jlrJg!ing {beep. But the Dog that is taught to a !fault and tearc the Wolfe, if he alfault and teare the ilieep alfo, will Iinde a halter for his labour. And thou~h ~he fame Armemay with a 1\affe beare a Wolfe, yet it will not With the fame fhffe beat a !beep. The fame Shepheards flaffe, that knocketh downe a Wolfe on the head, hooketh in the fheep gently by the lezg. The f1me voyce from Heaven, that calleth the fheep by Na111e into the !beep- fold, .and leadeth them by. Hill waters, the fame ·,oyce hlth faid , that Amichri!lian Wolves and Seducers !ball drink oi bloud, ior they are worthy, Revel. 16. 6. CHAP· 42. A'l(,eptytohts Chap.42. Defender. IN thi' Chapter the.DifcuDer tl''"keth himlelfe worke to difcourfc upon the Wolves, which Pa,./ foretold tO the Elders of Epl,ft:1) Ephefm) fhould come in amongfl them, not I paling the flock, .Au120. 2 9· A place which I quoted not, nor did apply to the caufeitl hand. (But he as a full vdfell) abounding and running overin wit, and words, (and it feemeth in lea lure ) he propoundeth, anddifculfeth three O!tcflions about thefe Wolves in this Chapter: and two more in the mxr. Difculfer. A1 I. What Wolve~ were thofe Paul warneth of? not literally meant: nor PerfecutorJOf the Floc~ , fuch an he Romane Emp.rourr : BHt foch a< brought in other lt.eligionJ and Worfhipf, fuch at amongf! themfelves Jbould JPea~e perverfo thingt, aJ nuny AnticbrijlJ did. And I a1ke whether or no foch aJ "''!! hold forth other Wor{hip1, or Rtligiom, ( Je,.,u, Turk.!1, Anticbrijlian1) may not be peaceable and quiet Subjeas, loving and helpfuO neighbour~, faire and jujl deakrJ l &c. It if cleare, they m>y, in all experience, and yet in JPiritu• aU and MJflica/1 Accourtt, they are ravenom, and greed.J WolveJ. Defender. It hath been declared above; that we doe not hold it lawfull, to conl\raine by Civill Sword, .Jewes, or Ttu kes, or Antichri fliaos to be of our Religion, whether they b< good Snbjeth, loving Neighbours, faire dealers, yea or no. Nor doth the Apofile in that Text, (which the Difcuffir hath in hand) fpeake of men ou~ of the Church, .Jewcs, T urkes, or Antichrifii•ns, but of fuch as enter into the Churcb, and are of themfelve~. Now if Church-members fhould Apoflate from Chrifl, and of Chril\ian• become .Jcwes, and Turkes, and Amichril\ians,anci draw away DiiCiples after them, l would ·dem.md of any mao ( whofe Conlcience is notpafl feeling of the danger of d,tmnable Herefies) whether fuch UUembm m>y goe for peuceable :;;;(. quid · Subjtlll, for Iovin:, and ~e!;ft:~ ~!~Jg:i~auo, jor f~ire a,Jd juft dealerr, ·for true ar~d lAy all to tbe civi/1 Govzrnmcm? If thule be peaceable, and quiet Subje<'l:s, that withdraw Snbjeth from SubjeCtion co Chril\: if they be loving and helpful! Neighbours, that help men on to perdition : If they be faire and jufl dealers, that wound the Coules of the belt, and kill and dellroy the foules of many, if fuch be true and loyall to Civill Government, that fubjetl:it to the Tyranny of a forraine Prelate, then it will be uoadvanta(lcto civil! States, when the Kiogdomes of the Earth fhall become the 1\ingdomeo' |