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Show Zedekjah did 0!4icaj•h with FHb, 1 KingJ, 22. 24-) or by cenfo- C H A p, 7• rious reproaches, and by rejeCting Communion with them even before conviCtion, or admonition, all thefe are wayes of ArroU 'l{Jp/y tD hit [eve nth Cht~pter : D i(cu ffing 111hat it i gance, and Impemoufnelfe, and tend to the difturbanceeither of to hold fDrth a Dotlrine or <J'r118iJe in an Arroga111 civil!, or of Church Peace, or of both. . and impetuous way tending of it Jelfe to the dijlur~ But for the 2. Hts fad and forrowfull Obfervanon, that God ·'th c 'vtU Peact · hath left me to take up the common reproachful Accufationofthe ance ".! e 1 • Children of God, as if they were Arrogant, and Impetuous in their way, upon what ground the Difcuffer taketh this up, I con- HERE 2. 'things he complaifieth of, J, That I have na fdf~ I cannot Imagine, unlelfe, declared what tbiJ Arrogant andirnpetuouJ way iJ : 2. 'Ih•t ~ Con{ciuJ ip[e ftbi, de fe putal omnia di.i. Jannol but expreffe hiJfadandforrm>fullobfervation, horl' it pleajitl T . I . . . God to leiiVIl me, 10 t ~ "P the Common R•proachfuU Accufation of ta _ here IS ?ot the eaft JOt or nttl.e In my Letter, that applyeth A •l'er .1 GodJ Children 1hat they are arrogant and impetUOHJ. tli~ Accufauon of Arrogmce, or unpetuoufnelfe to any. of the "'"r 01 > Chrldren of God at all. Nor had I the leaft thought of hrmfelfe, Dt[tnder when I wrote that Letter, who (for ought I can remember) did . then keepe commuuion with all his Brethren, and held loving ac- 1 did not thinke lt nee.dfull.to declarewhatan Arrogant a11 quaintancewith my felfe. Impetuous way was, fe~rng hrs Rcqueft was, not that I lhoul1 As for thefe fix Cafes he fpeaketh of (or rather,wayes) wherein compile a <difcourfeofmm~ o'l!ne : butt~a~llhould returne ~ the Children of God have oppofed the ftreameof the times, and Anfwer to the Letter of hts fr~end. Andu .'san Anfweren ('41 have there upon been taxed as Arrogant and impetuous Troublers not to Ex~ati~tc into declara~rons, b_ut dr~maly and cl?fely. C of the State, & yet were none fuch,l willingly allow them to ftand removeObjeCtrons. Befides htmfelfetsnot tgnora~tof thtspomt good, fave onely they might as well be reduced to 2. or 3· Heads, nor needeth to be tau~ht,: what an Arrogant, and Impetuous W~! as branched out into 6. But howfoever, they are nothing pertiis. For he himfelfe telleth us (in his 8•h Chapter) That tbt Ctl/t. nentto the Point in hand: none of them being wayes of ArroganPeace may be broi<!_B by h•ldingforth a Do8rine or pra8ift, ·with '"' cy, nor Impetuoufnelfe, but of well Ordered, and Chriflian faithling or reviling, daring orchallenging.Jpeecbu (which i1" ":aJ -f.Arrl fulndfe, and Magnanimity. Ifanyofthem did put forth aas of gancy :) or with force of .ArmtJ, Sword!, Gunns &c.; whzch u • "'' Impetuous violence,( as Eiij•hdid in putting the Prophets of BaaU oflmpetuou(neffe. . to death 1 King. 18. 4.0.) It was done byvertue of an extraordi- But ifit be defired that llhould declare my felfherein,thus brct nary calling , or elfe by the confent of the King and people then ty takeit.He holdeth forth anerronious DoCtrine, or Praaif<,i prefent. · au Arrogant and Impetuous way, not onely who carrieth it in• Befides as none of the fix wayes wherein the Metfengers of God reviling and daring way (which is a difturbance to Civill Peace:, walked againft the ftreame of the times, were wayes .of Arrogance, But alfo he who refufeth to fubjea his fpirit to the fpirit of t~ and impetuoufnelfe , fo much leffe were thefe holy men of God Prophets in a holyChurGh ofChrifl (contrary to 1 Cor. !4· 31·, Impet~ou!, in holding forth any Error, or evil! praaife, which is which ia a difturbanee to the peace of the Church. And wuhall,b the Pomt 10 hand. that !hall oppofe fuch as diffent from his Errors, either by viol~ Chap. 8. meann (as the Cir~Oi.mJ did by Clubbs, and Sworda, and t Zuk4iJ |