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Show J 176 The Provoked Wife. a _ , when a M a n denies a thing in jeft »a-~. Conft. Pha, ha, ha, ha, ha. ; Heartf. Nay, then w e fhall have it: What, becaufe a Man ftumbles at a word : Did you never make a Blunder ? Conft. Yes, for I a m in Love, I o w n it. Heartf. Then, fo a m I _ N o w laugh till thy Soul's glutted with Mirth. [Embracing him. But, dear Conftant, don't tell the T o w n on't. Conft. N a y then, 'twere almoft pity to laugh at thee, after fo honeft a Confeffion. But tell us a little, Jack, by what new-invented Arms, has this mighty Stroke been given ? Heartf. E'en by that unaccountable Weapon, calPd, Je-ne-fcay-quoy : For every thing that can come within the Verge of Beauty, I have feen it with Indifference. Conft. So in few Words then ; the Je-ne-fcay-quoy has been too hard for the quilted Petticoat. Heartf. I gad, I think the Je-ne-fcai-quey, is in the quilted Petticoat; at leaft 'tis certain, I ne'er think on't without a - a Je-ne-fcay^uoy in every Part a-bout me. Conft. Well, but have all your Remedies loft their Venue ? have you tnrn'd her In-fide out yet ? Heartf. I dare not fo much as think on't. Conft. But don't the two Years Fatigue I have had, difcourage you ? Heartf. Yes: I dread what I forefee ; yet cannot quit the Enterprize. Like fome Soldiers, whofe Courage dwells more in their Honour, than their Nature: O n they go, tho the Body trembles at what the Soul makes it undertake. Conft. Nay, if you exped your Miftrefs will ufe you, as your Profanations againft her Sex deferve, you tremble juftly. But h o w do you intend to proceed, Friend ? Heartf. Thou know'ft I'm but a Novice-, be friendly and advife m e. Confi, The Provoked Wife. ^ 177 Confl. W h y look you then ; I'd have you Sere-nade and * - - write a Song Go to Church 5 Look hke a Fool Be very Officious; Ogle Write and Lead out : And who knows, but in a Year or two's time, you may be call'd a troublefome Puppy, and fent about your Bufinefs. Heartf. That's hard. Conft. Yet thus it oft falls out with Lovers, Sir. Heartf. Pox on m e for making one of the Number. Conft. Have a care : Say no Saucy things; 'twill but augment your Crime-, and if your Miftrefs hears on't, increafe your Punifhment. Heartf. Prithee fay fomething then to encourage me, you know I help'd you in your Diftrefs. Conft. W h y then to encourage you to Perfeverance, that you may be throughly ill us'd for your Offences ; I'll put you in mind, That even the coyeft Ladies of 'em all, are made up of Defires, as well as we ; and tho they do hold out a long time, they will capitulate at laft. For that thundering Engineer, Nature, do's make fuch havock in the T o w n , they muft furrender at long run, or perifh in their o w n Flames. Enter a Footman. Sir, There's a Porter without with a Letter ; he defires to give it into your o w n hands. Conft. Call him in. Enter Porter. Conft. W h a t Jo ! h it thee ? Porter. An't pleafe you, Sir, I was order'd to deliver this into your o w n hands, by two well-fhap'd Ladies, at the New-Exchange. I was at your Honour's Lodgings, and your Servants fent m e hither. Confl. 'Tis well. Are you to carry any Anfwer ? Porter. N o , m y noble Mafter. They gave m e my Orders, and whip, they were gone, like a Maiden-head at Fifteen. Confl. Very well; there. [Gives him Money. Porter, God blefs your Honour. [Exit Porter. I «J Conft. |