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Show Lhe Conclufion Ladies have other Motives to confine them The Reftraints of Decency, and the Confiderations of Honour, are fufficient to kee them at Home. But hoping They wil be juft to themfelves I fhall wave this un e, Thy . it V tinfvigg, . Belheic ¢ dlikr, whte, Bl dnfl tiolwEes upsye lvhat] awievi he more fo mpudenLc ntis Suf ke T 2 Redi o¢ el it acceptable. Argument. I fhall only add that a Surprize ought notto be Cenfured ‘Accidents are no Faults. The firiétef Virtue may . fometimes ftumble upon a I/ Sighs. But Choife, and Frequency,an ill Ground, conclude ftrongly for Inclination. Fo be affured of the inoffenfivenef Of the Play is no more than a Neceflar Precaution. Indeed the Players fhould b generally difcouraged. They have no re [fh of Modefty, nor any {cruples upo theQuality of the Treat. The groffeft Dif Whe 'twil dow i a read a th Beft Tofay Money is their Bufinefs and the muft Live, is the Plea of Pick pockets,an High way men. "Thefe later may as well pretend their Vocation for a Lewd practife a the other. Bu To givethe Charge its due CompafsTo comprehend the whole Audsence; an take in the Motives of Religon And here 1 can't imagine how we ca udlet reconcile fuch Liberties with our Profeffi g Litterally renounc'd in Baptif/m. They ar 1 NERE L on Thefe Entertainments are as it wer idc,afldthfo‘f‘ ‘h the, Vanities of the witked World ,and th Jcfliorlifll‘"fi' Works of the Devil, in the moft open, an ppaond . | emphatical Signification. What Communio 28 |