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Show SlatmLent ahowing the prment liabililiee of the Failed Shtee lo Indi an tribes under ~ e a t yst ipulations-Continued. CI Cd Namea of basti-. Do ............ seminole&.., .;,. . ~. Do. ...'... ...... Seneom .......... Do ............ ScneoaaotKewYorlr DO. ........... Do ............ Seneaaa and8h.w-nees. Do ............ Shawnees .......... DO ............ Shoshones, weetarn band. Shaahonea north-weatam band. Shoshones, Goship band. ShoehonesmdBm-nacka: Shoshones ....... Do. ........... DO ............. Do ........... ~ s n o m.h.. ..... DO ............. SixNationsofNen York. sioox.Siaaatoo and ~ a h p e t o okf Lake Tm~erse andDsvil'sLake. sionx of different tribe& inclmdinp Rantee Sionx of Neb&. Do.. ........... Do. ............ Do ............. Desoription of annoitiea, &o. . . p~ . . . -- .-- xnmbar ofinstallments yetunsp. Referenoetalaws propriated, explanations, yo. ~tetuteast~arge: Eatimeted. ....................... Nineinatahenla, uf@,oOueach, due. Treaty of Mmoh 12.1368.. ........ Au "at 3,1795. ................... ~ ~ 30,1809 .~............%... ~ ~ b ~ ~ October 2,1313.. ................. Sotember20,1828 ................ J& 29 1329 ...................... Septeiber 20,1828. ............... 0otober 16, 1816; S~ptember 20, 1828; Julp 29, 1829. July 29 1329 ..................... ~eyt,enlbar2 0, 1823; June 5 and 17 1346. ~ u n b5 a nd17 1816 ................ ~o v amb c1r7 :1303 ................ $1,000 for educuoption, $1,060 for smith, kc. Treaty of November3, 1804 ....... Treats of Ootober 21 1837 ........ Treaty of ~o t o b e2r1 1 1842 ........ zreaty of ~c t o b e2r1 :1837. ....... For sopport of school ......................... Interest on $ ~ , O C Q e, ighthartloleoftraaty of Awuat 7 1858. kterest od810,wo.at 5 per oent .............. Pvmment annuits ........................... Smith and smith-shop md miller, permsnent.. Pemanentsnnuitiea .......................... lntereean $75,000, at 5 per oslt .............. l t e r e s t on $41,050, tranafemd fmm the On-tnrioBankto the United States Treasury. Permanent annuity ........................... Supportof smiths and amithe' shape .......... P-anent annuity foreduoation ............. Intareaton 040 wu at 5 per cent ............... Twenty i n a a h e i t e of $5 WO euh, under the dimtion of the President. ..... do ............................................. TKentyinatallmPnta of $1 000 soh, under di-rection of the president: For Lhe porohase of alotbin f om~e n,nomen, and ohlldren thirt instafmehta. Zur the purahbe ofaush artioles as ms be oonlidered 1>ro,,or by the Sacrotary ofthe Interior. FOP pay of physiaim carpenter, tmaher, en. ginaor, f%,m,e,. and Lle~ksmlth. Bluukxe~lllb ,bud k!~'imnsnd atee1forehopa F o r tlsl ~~ot;cltaanu ft:lnthin for men, womun, a~aoi~ ,iidr*~mt i l im ilmtdmeas. pay ~ U Kl, hys~oi~mon, tuntar ntilier, tamher, otqinuor fwrwr, a% blm$amith. ~ ' ~ ~ r n l n ~ ~ a i u r l u uai ~luituhslligu, yo .......... An~ount to be ex onded in suah gooas and othorer.tielasaa&e~rcaidentnlsyfromtime tu time detam>ine, 88U0.000 iu ten instsll-meuta par u reement Babrusvy 19 1367. ~ u ~ h a oif eS othiag. for =an, woken, and oh~ldren. Blaoksmith, and for iron eod steel ............ For such artinlea - may be oonsidered neoes. sary by the Secretary of the Interior for permne maming PhyaiGm. five t&ohel,a w e n t a r , mjller. engmeer, farmer, and bhoksmith. Do ................... Do ................... Do.. ................. Do. ............ DO ............. ............ ............ Do. Do DO .... :... ..... Potawatomies of Horn,,. Quauswe. .......... W s and Foxes of xiasissippi. Do.. ........... Do.. ........... Sw8 and FOXCoBf Mhsouri. VoL 11, p.730, $4. Vo1.12,p. 99(,$2. Val. 12,p. 888, $2. Vol. 1,p. 51.64. VoL 7, p. 114, 3.. Vol.7 135, 3.. VoL?:g:317,2 VoL 7, p. 330, 2.. VoL 7, p. 318, I 2.. Pol. 7, p. 425,53.. VoL7,p.35,63 Vol. 7.p. MI, 2 VoL 7, p. 596,12:: ~ o l . 7 , p5.4 3, 2.. do ....................................... do ....................................... do ................ :. ..................... Zm eduaational yurpoaen. dqring the pleaem of the President. permanent provision for t.hree blaobamiths and assistants, iron and steel. Permment provieion for furnishing s a l t ...... P>rmanent l>roviaiun for pnsmsnt of money in lieu of tobaoao, iron and atael. f i r interest on $!!30.064.9U. at 5 por oont ...... ama anent anuuitics .......................... For education, smith, fkrmer s*nd smith-shop doting the pleasulw af the President. Pemanentmuity ........................... Interest on $200,000, at 5 por oent ............. Interest on 8800.000, at 5 per cent ............. ~ntcresot n $157,400, at 5perecnt ............. Treaty at Muoh 4 1881 .......... $25,WO snoualf uity ............ support of aohaols, k o ........... Sapternbar 9 and 1'4 1817 .......... February 28, 1831 ................ Februa 19 1W1 ................. ~ cof tJY .udm, 1816. ............. ...... do. .......................... Treatyof ijaptember 11,1818 ..... Trea@efSdy 20 1831 ........... Angoat3 1795. d tember29.1817. ~ u g u s5t 179jl gay10 1354 ..... Fonr insth~mahteto bdappmpri ated. do ........................... ...... do.. ......................... Twenty instellmenta due, eati-mated at $11 500 each. one installmeit due, estimated. ~s t ima t ad.. ...................... ........ do ........................... ~ w e n t yin atellmnnte doe, eati. lusted at $8,937 auh. Estimated ........................ ~r e n t yN, oventbar 11,1704. ....... T b r e e i n s ~ ~ ~ h a . o f b s a , o O o ~ ~ h , darn. Twenty installmen% of $130,OW eaoh, due; estImnted ~s t ima t ed.. ..............- . ....... Twenty installments, of WW,OW eaoh, due; astimatad. Estimated ........................ - $4,400 00 ............ 10.000 W ......................... ........................... 5, WO 00 2.080 W ............................. I:.. ToL lgp. 117 s ~ o l1.l. p. 702%$ 701.14 p. 757 53. Vol7,b. 161. r1 voL 7, p. 178, 4 Vol.?,p. a 9 4.. VoL 4, p. 44d VOI. 9, p. 35, 12: :. VoL9, p.35, 3 Vol. 7,p. 174 54.. Vol. 7 352 $4.. Vol.?: i:51.b4 VOI. 1u, p. low $3 VoL 18, p. 090, b7 Vo1. 13,p.661,$3 YoL 13, p. 652, $7 Vol. 15, p. 676 $0. ...... do VOI. 15.p. 676,$10 ~ 0 11.5 , p 676, 3 VOI. 15, p. 676,89 POL 15,p. 676,610 V O I . ~ ,6~4,,$ ti... ~evisedTreaties. p. 1051, $ 2. VoL15,p.B38,$1U . . d o ........... .... do ..................... VOL 1 5 , ~6.3 3, $13 812, WO 00 .......................... :. . .......................... .......................... .......................... ------.-..-................ .......................... .................................................... ............................................ .. .......................... ............ ................... ............ ............... 1,080 00 ............................. ............ ............ ........ :... ............ ...................... 5, wo 00 I, wo 00 ............ 5,000 00 ............ ............ a MO 00 ;. ........................................ ........................................ $357 80 173 W 804 50 71560 5,724 77 ........................................ 1,003 90 156 54 107 31 11,503 21 400 00 ........................................ 1, WO 00 10,000 00 40 000 00 ?:a70 00 .....................2..0.0. .w .......................... .................................................. ... .......................... ......................... 2% 000 00 20, wo 00 4, OW 00 230.000 00 20.000 00 133.740 00 ......................... UO,WO w 2,BW,Wo w 4,w, OW 00 z E: ........................... 2 E . $7,156 W 3, 573 00 17,890 00 14,31200 111,405 40 2 k- 20,1~980 z -I 3,130 30 3,146 8" 230,064 20 . 8, wo ti0 20,000 00 ZW, OW 00 300.000 00 151,400 00 10.m w I 25,000 00 3,580 00 1. WO W 1,664 00 ti WO 00 3: 7m w 2.152 50 1,000 bO ....................................... 3. WO W 2, wo 00 ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ 4,500 00 ................ ........................................ .......................... 800, 000 00 TO WO 00 $000 w 33.200 00 120. OW 00 75. 000 a0 L8.050 00 20.000 00 g 60. WO 00 .....................4.0.,. .0.0 0 oo 2 .......................... .......................... z E: .......................... 2 ......................... E * Q .......................... L2 Z ~0,00000 4 : ......... ........................... i2 .......................... ........................................ I- - ur |