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Show REPORT OF UTE COMMISSION. tendauee of the Indians; and sueh proceedings were then had as reaulted in the execution of the agreement herewith submitted, marked S. We also obtained as complete an enumeration as possible of the names, sex, and age of the persons eom-posing the Muache, Capote, and Weeminnohe bands, which is also herewith submitted, marked T. We paid, as instructed, $17 to each man, woman, and child; in ease of families, to the head thereof, and to lone and single persons of full age, individually,in all to the number of 902, taking the proper receipts therefor. An account of the moneys received for papent to the Indians and the expenditure thereof by the cbaimnn of the commission, to whom the same was intrusted, is also herewith submitted, and also the account of the clerk of the commi%sioli rela$intiny to the expenditure of the fund appropriated by Congress for the use of the commias~on, of whioh he was constitntad by the department disburser. It will be seen, then, by this report, if it shall be confimed- First. That the Southern Ute Indians, towit, the Muaohe, Ca~otea, nd Weemiuuche banda, have released to the United States all their right to and mterest in the Confed-erate Ute Resenation in Colorado. Seoond. That the other Ute hands, to wit, the Tabeqnaohe, Yempa, Grand River, and Uintah have released to the United States all their right and title to that part of the reservation lying south of parallel 38O 10' exoept the said four miles square. Third. That the amocnt of laud to which the title is f~~llysecured1i,s9 20,000aeres. Fourth. That the President is to define the boundaries of a new loeation on the headwaters of thePiedra, Sau Juan, Navajo, Blaneo, and Chama Rivers, in Colorado, with an agenoy to be established thereon. Fifth. That the said three hands of Southern Utes have been paid $17 per capita on the indebtedness arising out of the Bn~noatg reement of 1873, amounting to $15,334. And, in oonclusion, we beg leave further to say, that we have seen 8, considerable yrtion of the territory to which it is pro ossd to remove the Southern Utes, and aund it to oont%in plenty of pasturage, nit% more arable land in the valleys thanthe Indians will be likely to cultivate; and that much of the Territory relinquished will be eagerly sought after by SettJnrs, some of whom have already t m e d their attention in that direction; that the building8 at the Southern Ute Agency are of but little value, and the loss fiom their abandonment will be trifling; that the new agency, to be located probably on the Navajo, will be much nearer railroad, and, conse uently, the transportation of supplies will be greatly cheapened and quickened. ~ % en ew reservation need not consist of more than 500,000 acres. We believe that the three ban& called Southern Ute Indians compose about one-third of the whole Ute tribe; and that in all they do not exceed three thouasud. If thin arrangement is completed it will leave not more than fifteen hundred Indiana aooupying the remainder of the reservation in Color&do;of whioh there will still be left about ten million acres; far it is to be remembered that there %re about five hnn-dred Uintahs in Utah. This reservation should begreatly reduoed, ~ n idhe remaining Indians, if possible, consolidated at one ageuoy. There is more disposition among t h m to unite than there is in any portion of them uniting with the Southern Utes. The amount remaining due these Indians on the Brunot aoreement should he paid them at onee, and it is probable that they may be quite vihg to take pnrt of it in stock, particularly sheep, and other adioles whioh would be useful to them. It may not be necessary to say that large numbers of our citizens are looating, and desirous of loosting, in the mountainous d~striotosf Colorado, not only for mining but also for egricdtnral and pastoral purposes. If we have not been able to effect the consolidation of agencies so much desired and so very desirable, we think we have averted dangers which Fere threstenihg md imminent to both Indiana and settlers. The non-military members of the eommi~sion desire tomention the attention and kindness everywhere shown by the Army, and to recognize the substantial aid which it afforded in the progress of our business. All of which, with the miimtes of the eomrnission, is re ectfolly submitted. ?EDWARD HATCH, ~ol&'elA hi*th Cwitcd Statue Caralvy, E ~ c eXt njw-Gm-01, Chainrmn CannrlaCn. K. C. McFARLAND. - WASHISGTOS. D. C.. Decmbev 16. 1678. GENTLEMEN:O n the 22d day'of Odober I received the instmetions appended as paper marked A from General Hatch, chairman of the eommiaaion. The followin~isth erefore submitted as my partial report : I left Alamoaz, ssceompilnied by Lieut. C. A. H. McCenley, on the night of the 23d of October, with $2,000 in standard silver dollars, the same amount in checks on the |