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Show REPORT OF THE CO~ISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFhIR8. XXI Qne oom~bintf,r am Geo.w. eBam, a hesvPstockman, was of so serious a n s t w , in-eluding ;he stampeding ut' eotrle, thnr 1 hare ~ o n atn interpreter to order the ludisna bsrk 10 cbir reaervatiuo. Ru~t yon muat we tbac the rrwlen will oan their inauenee to keaa tbe Indians on those riversthat the"v me"v have their trade. I wish mme 8 t e ~ ~ - ~ ooad be taken to suppress the ssle of ammunition. I do not suppoae I can exereire :any ;buthority outside the reservation. . ~.Gx;&w intrading upon white ~settlemen$sth e 1ndians.conlde asily htl j.osai$ation ,byp oin.f>o.the oufnem~lsonmkchag~ ps-s~lrihaohs e been located on their reservation in direct viol~onof~t i -aptryoV 46iolf8, viz : The Unitedstates now solemnly agrees that no persons except thoseherein author-ized so to do, and except such officers, agents, and Cm%ploy& of the ~~~t a8 .qbs ~auth orized to enter upon Indian resarvatione,i n diaoharge of dnt ie~e qjoimd ;by bw, a M ever be-permitted t o p w over, =Me upon, or reside in +he tsrriMryrle- 'mibed in this article, aesoept as he~in:&mim.provided. This was also expressly &roed in is known as the Branot agreement of 1873. This infraction of the treaty greatlr irritated the Utes, and was undoubtedly one of t%e causes which eventually led to active.hdlitiea. On therth-af .311ty Covemor Pitkin, of Colorado, sent the following '%legram to this dam: Em: aBpotb me doily that a band of White River Utes are off their reser-vation, destroying forests and gamenearNorth and Middle Parks. They have s h a d y burned millions of dollars of timber, and are intimidating settlers andminers. Have written Indian Agent Meeker, but fear letters have not reached him. I respectfully .,r' eqoest yon tr, have telegraphiio order dent troops at nearest post to remove Indiana to their m a t i o n . If general government does not act promptly the State must. Im-mense foreate are borning thmoghout Western Colorado, supposed to have been fired by I am satisfied there ie an orgenieed effort on the port of Indians to de-stroy the t@ber.of Colomdo. The lo- will be irreplacesble. Them savaga ihould be removedta the Indian TerriMry, where they canna longer destroy the finest forests in this State. Immediately upon its receipt the following telegraphic instructions were aent d p t t M&er d111y 76h: 1 . ,, ,@oaernor 4 Colo~ado reports your Indians depredating near &rth and Middle Fpi+ b o o m e t take aotiveatep to Reoure their return to memation. TheEecra- +tery:dire& thatif neceeew you will odl upon uearaat military post fsr asnistenee. &xwt b t a immediately. And on the 9th instant the office telegraphed Governor Pitkin .tb-rat the war Department a d hen requested to .mud troops to'%ring !be Indian8 b& to their -vation. .Qn W 7 t h d J dy, befom tke ahoue inekuotio~xs we received %y ?&, Agent Meeker also reported to t.hw.06ue.Chst .he hadbsen,imfem+ed Yht % M a - & his Indians onr&&e md Bear Zivers z+nilin:H&lle-sad ?Tort& Parks were destroying game for the skins adburning'6he timher, . a d that he had .sent Chief Doughs with an employ6 to order theirim-turn to their reservation and had requested Che comman&ant at fort Slkaele -to .muse them to m t w . |