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Show REPORT OF TEE COXWISSIONEB OF INDIAN AFPMRS. XXIX mhen~waco lemenoed plowiq last week, three or four Indiana objeoted. They had a& their ten% down tow& the river, and mmrh had been built. thou& I had em-vionaly told them. the ground wouldbe plowed. boffered to &va th& aorra6 by employ6d'lahor, and showed them othcr places, of which there aremany epnallgg.d, but they rafnsedto oonsider. This land is good, and being 0108s to the agency, their horsasara;pwteoted; in ahort, they simply need the ground for their homes. Now, nine0 i t was evident tha t if I could have moved the ag.e nc-y bnildinza two ortbaemiles. below tlbey would rome and r l a i i rqu.al eqostrsrs' righbthere alm, and I wld them eo, to whieh they reglied, thar I laad land enough plowed, sml they wanted all the =oat fsr tbeir,,hoEsea Still the%d id indieate tha t ~ x" h.olatw a niece farther. swam"., c overed ~~ - wifbaage andgease wood, iMrrapeted by slue. end I,Bnlly devnluping dkdi, wlnila xr the best it aouM rnka three mootha to clusp the s l~r f a r~T. hev aould l i~t ento noth. i ~ @ X o o n l dsi,d~.s~m ingna help for it.,sinoo if they could. drive me fromoneplace they would quickly drive mo from another, I ordered the plows to ran mLhad pro-posed. Them bed hed been laid out and watered, 100 feet wide and half a milelong, an*. *hen the plowman gat to the upper end two Indiana came ont with guna.and ordead.him.not to plow m y more. This wmreported to me, and I directed~thpel ow-i- ng- t o o.m e e b . When the nlowman had made a few runs amund tli6 bed he wn-a. fired onon from a small cl~tatnor f sage-blush, and the hall p w d oloso to hi person. Of eonrm rordord tho plow in^ to stup. I wen6 t o Dauglm; the chief, hnr lte only rapaaded t4wrlq who olaimedctaw l a d asnted it, and. thm 1 ooyln to plow 80- abmeke. Then I amt a m-nger to Jnrk, n rivml o h i e f r~nt,s nu~ilaas p tlto river, wlmhas alarmr followine thsn Dou-glas., an d he and hiwfmenQ.oame.down soeedii"r., and the whole ~uhjer rw i i ddis~ueaeda t grwt 100gr1t. ?.he mnoluion wae, t t i t J W ~ and Itis men did nnt rare an,yrhin,n nhonr it, hnt I might go on andplow that bod (100 feet wide and one-half milo Ion=). I said that wsanf nu use; &st1 Rented to olow 50. acres a t least,end.E~sllbed.the~iefsotr hay, asre h a d b go&rn4 to7miles.todoonr h s ~ , o n d a v e n t h e r e t h eI n d i ~ 1 ~ h ~ e ~ m n c h . oTfhe. rtetbhe~y s oid Intight m oe snd nloaas I- pmposed. This rrw-either not nod- or not aeented to. by the olaimanta, for whenthe plow started next morning they eame out'and threatened, vengeance if any more thsn that bed was plowed. Immadiablg I sent wain for Jaok and hie men, and the plow ran most. of the forenoon, when I ordered it stopped, for by this time the employes were becoming soared. An o t h e ~ l h goo nueiimse-hel* atid I "ndemtoodi aomely ou@iag %a t WXB sdd, Dhongb.I.was.~~sefwotr hours; smothered with hept. a n d ~ a b a,d f inal- it, -a ~ ~~ ~~~ -- that I might have the ;hob lord and plow half of it and inelow the rvst, pm-viding I would rcmove thn rc~rr~dli,g H well; help hrild a log honrs, and give a ntuve,. to which I arsentcd, for mbetenlinll\. tilo sme htd been mrnisad'Mw. Alko@thrthw.~erenotm- owti& foltr Indian menLengaged in this outbreak; properly, there Was only onefimily, t l ~ sw ifeiof rhioh: speskeipd& opli& h - g been.brwsbt+mn in, *white fmi l a : theremdabar. aara ral&iw.. an.d . he- &I~~~we.re ssvm.4 8yiw.rhise.m. but by no muma Mtisa Dwiw:all this tima I hnn a tpsm in. wadi- to ,p to the n i l f o r l w mk instn~otionsfr om ynu l ~ yr* lqyqln, l,ut.tltu ne-ceaaiw for.thiu.wme8 for the prnsaor a v e r h i Mg impreasion la decide4 tthpr it waa tb niah.of all thelndiensthst plowing tni@t ha Rcnppod md thar no more ploaioy alaU nhnli he done, but that the conelttai8,a whieh rhev raaoherl wan bared !,.x# ont .h e danger t h e y r a iuopposing, th0 government of the United Stataa. Plowing will,prooeed, but whether nnmolested I cannot soy. This is a. bad lot of Indians. They have had free ration3 so long and haw bean flattered and petted so muohj tlr& theythink themselves lortla of alL Raanectfmllv. Ron. E, A. HAT,.. |