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Show REPORT OF THE UTE COMMISSION. WAEK~GTOND., C., Deoenbw27, 1878. To th Preaide~t: The undersigned beg leave to report that by authority of an sot of Congress ap-proved May 3, 1878, Edward Hatch, IVilliam Stickney, and N. C. MoFarland were appointed by yournelfa commissionto ne otiatte with the Ute Indians, the purpose of which fully appears by instructions iauef June 29, 1878, from the Department of the Interior, which instructions are aa follows: "DRPARTME~OTF TEE INTERIOR, "OFPICE OP INDIAANX FAIRB, " Washington, June 29, 1878. "SIR: By rlirection of the honorable Secretary of the hterior you w m notified by letter from thiia offioe dated May 24 laat, that the Fresident had designeted you, Ron. William Stickney, of'this oity, and N. C. McFarland, of Topeka, Kans., to act as a, commission to visit ~ n ednd eavor to s ew0 from the Ute Indians, in the State of Col-orado their assent to the lovisions of an act of Congress approved May 3, 1878, an-thoriling negotiations wit{ the said Indians for the oonsalidation of all their banda at one agency, to be located on or new White River. and for the extinguishment of their right to the southern portion of their reservation$ said State. "Each member of asid commission having signified his aoceptanoe of said appoint-ment, the following detailed inatructions are iven for the guidance of the oommis-sion m the performance of its duties under aaig eat : ' I The wmmission will convene at Fori Garland, Colorado, at the earliest date preoti-cable, thence proeeed without delay to the Lon Pinon Agenoy, and, after consoltation with the agent in charge thereof, assemble all the different bands of said 1ndians.h open council, at such time and plaoe ae you may deem most convenient and desirable for the acoomplishment of theobject of the commission. "AgentsN. C.Meeker, of the ~ ' h i tRe i ver Agency, Joseph B. Abbott, of tbeLosPinos Agency, endF. H. Weaver, of theSouthernUte Agency, haveeech beennotifiedof your sppointment and instmcted to afford you all the assistance in their power in secnring a fall attendance of the different bands of Utes, and in the promotion of the objects of the negotiations. Agent Abbott has also been instructed to provide the necessary :eubsistenoe for the Indians during the cot~noil. "You will fully explain to said Indians, when assembled in council, the purport of said act, and the objeot of your visit to them, taking care in all oases that you shall be clearly understood by them. The precise objects of your negotintions are aet forthin the bill which is as follows: "<Be it enacted by the Senqte and Houseof R~presmtntiveaof the dnitd etateaof A-in Congresa masnabled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized aud empowered to enter into negotiations with the Ute Indiana, in the State of Colorado, for the oanaolidathnof all t.he bands into one agency to be located an the White River, or near said river, and for the extin uiahment 04 their right to the southern portion of their reservsl,iou in said State, ;an8 to report his proceedings under this act to Congress for its consideration and approval.' "It is the desire of the department to allow you tha largest latitude in conducting your negotiations. You vill, therefore, take the act as your guide and make suoh an agreement with the Utes as you may be able, and may consider ta be for the best in-terest of the governnlent and the Indians. L'Anya rrauge1~1enot r agreement entered into with saidIndians for the cession of 5ny portion of their reservation should be executed and signed by at least three-fourths tif the adult male Indians occupying or interested in the same; and in every instance the assent and oonourrenoe of at least a majority of each 8nd every band of said Ute In-dians is requisite to give validiq to the results attained through your negotiations. ['To amid any possible difficulty or misunderstanding in the future, you arn ini atruoted to make every effort end use every rearnuable luducement to secure una-nimity on the part of the Indiana in the approval of any cession or agreement that may be made. "Particular care will be exercised in selecting s. looation for the future settlement of these Indians to secure a sufficient quantity of arable lend to enable them to become, by agricultural pursuits, a. self-supporting people. You are instructed to thoroughly impress upon the minds of the Indians the fact that any agreement entered into by them will be binding only upon its ratification by Congress. |