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Show 1 AGREEMENT WITH UTES. 181 WRITE RIVER AGENCY, COLO., September 18, 1878. We, the undersigned, were present at the signing of the above document by the Yampa and Grand River Indians, and sre hereby witness08 to their marks. WM. S. STICKNEY, Secretary Ute Special Cwnmisaion. C. A. H. McCAULEY, 2nd Lt. 3rd Artillery, do$-. Env-'r,. U . S: A,, on duty vitb Ute Commission. The above interlineation, vis, " Yampa and Grand," was made before signin w. s. i: C. A. H. M. U ~ T AVHN. LEY AGENCY.U TAH. October 31. 1878. We, tlw tlraler.iigtied, chief3 ,tnd hcanlmer~ of the Vinrah band of L'to Indiana, do hrrebr eonaenr to whi~rerrrtliapodiriont he Cal,*rrs, Dlunrltes, and Weemiuucher.~a, nd 11wir rmresrnrari\.r bands. nlnr make of [bar I V R T o~ f flw [!re lle~ervalit)in~~lm rdinrclg south abd west of the 5%; Juan mining distrrct. 1. Tabbv. chief. his x mark. 9. Mountain, hie x mark. 2. ~ u c k j b a n a;,o hchief, his x mark. 10. Robinson, his x mark. 3. Antero, subchief, hie x mark. 11. Mountain Sheep, his x mark. 4. Yank, hia x mark. 12. Sonrs, his x mark. 5. David, his x mark. 13. Jim Duncan, his x mark. 6. Waurodea, interpreter, his x mark. 14. Louey, his x mark. 7. C u t b Jim. his x mark. 15. Atoines, his x mark. 8. Bod ~ i d l e yh, is x mark. I hereby certify on honor that I hme explained to the Indiam the meaning of the foregoing paper, which they have signed, and that I have witnessed said signatures. WANRODES, his x mark, Interpreter. OCTOBER31 , 1878. We herehy certify on honor thst we were present and witnessed the signatures of the Indians from No. 1 to No. 15 to foregoing ;agreement. HENRY FITZHUGH. EDWARD T. AYE&. OCTOBER31 ,1878. Los PINOS INDIAANGE NCY,C OLOWO, November 11. 1878. We, the undersigned, chiefs and headmen of the Tabequaohs tribe of the Ute Nation, dohereby consenttovh~teverdispositiontheCapotesM, naohes, and Weeminuchees, and their reprmentstive bandq may make of that part of the UtnReserv.%tion immediately south and west of the Sau Julau mining dietriot. ' Sapsvanen, hie x mark. Me-pao-=is, his x merk. Billy, his x mark. h-cah-poor-kevetoh, his x mark. Shavano, his x mark. Cajo Chequito, his x mark. Wass, hia x mark. Meh-aotch, his x mtsrk. Tom, his x mark. See-np, his x mark. Sam, hia x mark. Ai-an-ket, his x mark. Colorado Chiqnito, his x mark. Sang-toos, his x mark. Colorado Grande, hia x mark. Tu- oo rutch, his x mark. Tomssaraka, his x mark. ~n%-&-nenet, his x mark. Sagebush, hia x mark. , Pan-till-on, his x mark. Johnson, h ~xs m ark. Xi-oots, his x mark. Mah-va-is, his x mark. LO8 PIN08 INDIAN AGENCYC, OLO., November 11, 1878. I hereby certify that I interpreted the above agreement to the Indians before sign-ing, and that they understood it just as it ia written. JESUS MORENO, Intnpreter for the Agency. Los Pmos INDIAANG ENCY,C orn., x ~ ~ e 1n1,~187a8.~ We, the undersigned, were presenx at the signing-of the above docnment by the . Tahequache tribe of Ute Indians, and are herehy witnessw to their marks. WM. 8. STICKNEY, , Sedy Me Special Cornmiman. JOSEPH B. ABBOTT, U. S. Indian Agent. |