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Show REPORTS OF AGENTS IN COLORADO. 17 militsrypast sod twenty-two miles east of Aoimaa City, thenearest town. Theabove-msntioned bhidiogs are inadequate to furnish proper aceommodations far agent and employ6s sod their fdmilies, ilnd storage for government anpplies. On my arrival I found chiefs and headmen showing a dispoaitioil of arrogance and snlleuness; inclined to dictate &a to when and how rations should beissned. They soon learned that they must submit to the regolations of the department; and in all cases I have dealt with them firmly, and spared no pains in protecting their interesta and relieviog their neceaaitiea. Ifound them in many instmces suffering from lack of medieal attention, there being no physician st agency. I applied to Csvtaio Dodge! Company D,Ninth United Sttateg Cavalry,comniaoding Fort Lewis, for assistance, wh~ohw an promptly rendered by Anairtant Surgeon Martin, U. 5. A. (See spsoisl report.) The result of this md other attentions is a marked cbroga fur the better, that spirit of arrogance and dio-tatinn having wholly di~appsirred; A1 see," cordial and friendly as could be expected. Owing to che raport that their reservation was soon to ha thrown open to settle-ment, many squatters haw located claims, sod in soma cases have built houses and opened small farms on povtioua of reserve bordering ou New Mexico; which ha? been a frequent cause of complaint from Indians. I have investigated every complaint ln person, end removed aquartsrs and herders, having traveled 1,394 miles since my arrival a t sgeucy, a ~ , odn most ocolrsions I have bee" accompanied by Ignaeio, chief of Southern Utca, and other ohisfa and headmen of the tribe, from whom I have remivet1 aid in sdjustiog wrooas oomnlitted by eibhsr whites or Indians. No farming has been doue at this ageuoy. Io obedience to instructions received from the hooorable Commi~sionbre, stimates for implements, aeed, stuok, &., were forwarded August 25) 1819. The oomiug aenaon im aacuest effort will be made to oarry out the desires of the department. The Southeru Ute Indians are wholly unoiviliserl, uooe of whom speak E~oglieh. No scboola or chorchea havs been establlshad, and as class they &re opposed to labor in any form, oonsidering the same degrilding, and only to be performed by whitessod "squaws!' They we the owners of *bout 1,500 head of horses, some 900 head of sheep and goats. Cabman, a prominent sobchief, has about 100 bead of cattle, most of them "graded stock," whioh he herds on La, Piata River, near the line of NewMexioo. The following schedule shows the number of Indians who have reported at this agenor since January 1,1879: Men, 271; women, 290; children, 746; total, 1,307. The Muaohe band are at presentoff the reservstioo without authority (as per speeial report dated June 19, 1879). Their reservation is very desirable, furnishing good graz-ing lauds foratook; is well watered by San Juan, Picdra, Los PinosjFlorida,LosAnimes, LaPlata, sod other streams. The valleys are susceptible of cultivation when irrigated. The mountains abound in pame, such as bear, deer, elk,. &c., . and the streams with speckled or mountain trooc ' ~ n n o.v.f t.h~e o itisans sdisoent to the reservation eive their eordial s o ~ ~ oinr at r e- ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~bLnrImIoAny :,~.d f<el i~g.' 1'1~b ehavior 07 tba Iualianr is as iind as c6uld be c.xi~3ctedt'co.uiut \.agw wim have our~t:oft he a*lsanmp.es#,fa ducatiou uriivilixalion. TII.,Y !.ow lo most en*?* renurt rboir nrievuocc$ w the aeeut. with the nx~ecteriort that Gbzr i.roii8 ail1 be redrissed with&t their retali.liatia< ram aonfideni of my ability t o oant.rol the Indians under my oere, if those in authority will enforoe the laws of the State for ZovernmeuO of whites. Y ~ rGeap eotfolly, HENRY PAGE, Ueited States Indian Agent, SollUIern Ute Agency, Colorado. The CO~~XISSIONEOFR INDIAANP PAIRB. WHITE RIVER AGENCY, COMRhDO, August 16,1879. SIR: A-m eeablv to vour directions. I herewith submit to vou mv second annual " * report. Upon looking over the ground on my srrival in May, 1878, it was seen necessary to remove the seencv to a more suitable locatian.for the reason that there was no land .that euuld h;'c8,li~vsred iu the stcloltg. You 'granted my requaat ru thisend early in Jul , and acrauyembura ware made forthwith, by ~aarting s force nr work in Powell YalLr. li, mole, .lawn ,he rivcr. Hare are eswernl rhouteaud acres arcellrnt land.lvit,n. fbvur;l,lS fdr irrigarlou, and amca then the work flrrf~rutndh i l ~be 011 ~Iov~c e1"d r;aaky iug 1bi4 wrtlrmtlt~r; uud as tlta laud wa* 3 howy sod, an<l ass the ludi.m* !lad uavur \vurl\rd before, u1.v itceuuut am,t ua eonrirlereJ, ~u on* asnle, a* rhar of all avnncs iooh exceeding a year-old. 2 IND |