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Show . . 0 f th~ AdnancCmtnt of Learning; Wlthout thiS vertue lyeth open and vnfenced.Na an boneft tnancan doe no good vppon tbofe· that ya wt·e K'-e d to rcc 1~ ·~ me t he m, wt· thout the helpe of three lcnowledge ofevll.For me ofcor~upted ~inds pre(up• pore, that hone~ groweth out of Stmplicitye of manners,and bei~utng of Preachers , fchoolmafiers, and Mens extert~r language. So as,except you can n1ake them percetue , that you know the vt moft reac.hcs of the~e owne corrupt opinions , they defp~fr all ~orahtre •. Not rectpit fl'~lleu vtrhapr~· ~tnllll , tlifl t4 at,"'trtl , '}II~ 'L'trfantur in Corde e1 1114. Vnto this part touchingRe(ptCJiue dt#y, doth alfo apperrayne the dutyes bet\veene hufband and wife, parent and ch~lde,Mafier and Seruant: So likewife, the lawes offr~endlhip ~nd Gratitude,the ciuile bond of .Companyes,Colledges, and Politike bodies, of nelghbo,urhood,and all other proportionate duties: not as tli~ ar parts of Gouernment and Society)but as to the fran1ing of the minde of particular per~ fons. · . . · . Theknow~edge £-oncerning ·good refpecting socitiJ doth handle tt alfo not jimply alone but Comp4r4tiaeo/ whereunto belongeth the weighing of duties,betwen ~erlon and per~on,Cafe and Cafe, particular & pu~ llk~:As '."e lee Jn the proceeding of Lucit# Brtii~U, a· gatnll: h1s own Sons,wbicb was fo much exto11ed.·yet what was faydf . ln_~lix,vtc""'l"e fertnl t~t.fot4 tMinorts. So the caf~ wa~ doubtfull , and had opinion .• ·- . . Oil |