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Show 443 " Q. Characteristic of any stream that you know anything about, isn't it? " A. I have always avoided going up stream as much as possible. " Q. With a row boat? " A. Yes." R. 1143. When rowing upstream he attempted to keep in the quiet water as much as possible and to keep away from the swift current and in doing that he boated in the shallower portions of the river. R. 1143- 1144. " Q. And thus would naturally encounter more bars, or the bottom of your boat would ground more frequently? " A. Some of these bars cross clean across the river; it is very hard to find a channel through, anywhere." R. 1144 " Q. We will come to the matter of these exceptional bars of that character later. But when you are rowing up stream, and seeking, as you say you do seek, the quieter water, over where it is more shallow, your boat much more frequently touches ground, doesn't it, of necessity? " A. Yes." R. 1144- 1145. On the Eddy expedition no one besides himself had had previous experience with boats, or with the river and therefore encountered quite a bit more trouble than would otherwise have been encountered. As a boy, he made many trips it his father, but only the one trip spoken of on the Green and Colorado Rivers to Lees Ferry. |