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Show r a ALPPENDIX. . ‘ 5,- 7 'The quotation which ye have made fromProver hs, in th° ‘thttd page of'yourteflimony, that, "when a man's ways ‘ pieai'e the Lord, he maketh avert his enemies to be at peace _ with him"; is very unwilely choien on your part ; becaufe, - -tt amounts to a proof, that the king's ways (whom ye are. to defirouv of fupporting) do not pleaie the Lord, otheiwife, his reign would he in peace. ‘ ~ Inow proceed to the latter part of your tefiimony, and that, for which all the foregoing {eemt only an introduc- tion, viz. - ' ~ ‘ . _ " It hath ever been our judgment and principle, fince _ we were called to profcfs the lightol'Chriit Jelus, manit'efied in our coniciences unto this day, that the {citing up and, putting down kings and governments, is God's pr:euliar prerogative; for cauies heft known to himfelt; "And that it is not our buiinefs to have any hand or con.trivance therein ; nor to be bufy bodies above our 9a- tion, much leis to plot and contrive the ruin, or ovér‘turn of any' of them, but to pray for the king, and May of our nation, and good of all men : That we may live a pcaceable and quiet life, in all godlinefs and honcfly 5 ‘umirr the government wbirbGod fr film/9d tit/Er owr ur"'-- ‘If thefe are really your principles why do ye not abide by them ? VVhydo ye not leave that, which ye call God's . -Work. to be managed by himfelf? There very principles infirm?! you to wait with patience and humility, for the e. vent of all public meafures, and to receive rbar event as the * - divine will towards you. ‘ . lVbru/are, whfat‘occaiiOn is‘there for your political trflimny if you fullybelieve what it con- . . ; "ins ?- And the very publjihing it proves, that either, ye do notbeiieve what ye profels, or have not virtue‘enough to praaife what ye' believe. ‘ , . . The principles of‘Qualteriim have a dire& tendency tp' t , mx'b a man the quiet and inoficniive l'ubjcfl of,any, and : ' " ‘i'every government whit/7 irfir over him. ‘ And ifthe ictring ‘ and putting down of kings and governments is God'. ‘ liar prerogative, he mofl certainly will not be robbed.‘ hereof by us; wherefore,'the principle itielf leads you to .ipbrofl! of every thing.' which ever happened, or may hap- peor g'l-Iin; l. ., o. kirigsas being m‘ . his work, OLIYEtt CROhlt,ta |