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Show coMMQN SENSE. [47 W mfbird/yq-‘While we profefs ourfelves the [ubjeéia of Britain, we mull, in the eye of foreign nations; he confid ered 'ae rebelat'," The precedent in fomewhat dange -)aace,. for men to be in arms under the name rous to tbn‘i of fubjeas; we, on the fpot, can folve the paradox; But'to unite refitt- lnce and fubjeétion, requires an idea‘much too refined to} common underflanding. ' ' ‘ _ i i Faurrnyé-Were a manifelio: to be puhliih'etl, and impatched to foreign courts, fetting forth the ‘mifer ' endured", and the peaeeable methods we have iea we hwe ineffzftuall ' ruled for redrefa; declaring, at the fame time, that not be, ing able, any longer, to'live happily or lately under the cruel difpofition of the Britil'h 'court, we had been drive n heceflity of breaking of? all conneflions‘ with her; to the fame time, alluring all fuch courts ofour peaceab‘e at the difpoii,‘ tion toward; them, and Mom defire of entering into trade with them: Such a memorialiwrtuld produce more good efi'eé‘ts to this Continent, than, if a {hip were freigh tetl with; petitions to Britain. ' ‘ ' ' j Under our prefent denomination of Btitilh' fubjeé ls, can neither'be received nor heard abroad :‘ The cultom we of all‘courtslare againfi us, and will be {0, until, by an inde-l pendance, we take rank with other nations. ‘ Thefe proceedings may at firl't appear firange and diflig Cult slbut, like all other Reps which we have already pall'ed Over, will in a little time become familiar and agreeable; nd, until an independance is declared, the Continent wilP feel itfelf like 3 than Who continues putting off {oi-tie unplea-a {ant bulincfs from day to da'y, yetlk'nows it mull be done! hates to {at about it, wilhes it over, and is continually haunt-j. ed‘withv the thoughts ofits necefl‘tty, f ' ‘ , t ,Afl'p PE N D IX 5 I N C E the publication of the firfi edition of this, pami‘ S phlet, or rather on the fame'dar on which it came out,the King'g Speech made its appearancein thtg 'etty. ; liar! the fpirit of prophecy direéled the birth [of this precluaroni‘ V ' t t . = A I |