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Show CO M M O 3N 'S‘E N 513. 54.0, , NO'coumty on the globe is 'forhappily 'lituatetl,vor ifo'in'é 'lernally tapable of railing a'fleet as America. iron, and cordage are her natural produce. Tar, timber, -We need go ‘abroad for nothing. Whereas the Dutch, who make large profits hyhiring out their {hips of-war to the Spaniards and ‘Portuguefe. are obliged 'to import mofl of the materials they ufe._ We ought'to view 'rhe‘buil‘diog a fleet as'an-artical of (commerce, it being the natural-manufatlory-ofthis country. Alt is the belt money we can'lay out. 'A navy when firsiihed ‘is worth more than it'cofi. Andi; that-nice pmnt in national policy, in which commerce and protEflion-are united. Let us build; if we want them not. we can tell ; and by that means replace our paper currency with ready gold‘and ~ . ' ' ‘ i ‘ river. into run general in people In point of manning a fleet, {hould part fourth one that 'necéflhry not in it errors; great flood be failors. ‘-'The' Terrible privateer, Captain Death, the hottefiEengag‘ement of any [hip lafl war, yet had not twenty {allots on board. though her". complement olrnen failure was upwar'ds of two hundred. A few able and facial in will {con inflruél a‘fti'fhéient'n‘umher. of aaive landmen can neyer we re, _Wherefo ,the cemmon work of a'ThEp. now, ‘belmlo‘re capable to begin on maritime matters-than and 'while ourtimher, is (landing, our 'fifheries blocked up, war, of Men employ. of out tt lour‘failors'and ihipwrigh of ,feventy and eighty guns were built forty years again ding Neernglan'd, and why not the fame now? Shipbuil in time will {he which, in and 'pride, s‘greate'fl ‘ is 'Americ‘a' the an are excel the whole world. The great empires of the pnfli< from excluded tly Confequen and mbfll ‘inland,' ; and ‘ bility‘offrivallirig‘her. Africa-is in a Rate'of barbarilm ‘an er'ttent oi coat}, or no power iniEnrope, ‘hath \either‘ fuch nature~hatb fuch‘ an internal '{upply of‘materials.‘ Where nly America-o No other the withheld hat given the one,"lhe' of Ruth: hath" memeen'liberal of bbth.; The vafl‘empire Iboundlefe her ,' wherefore ; tea the i; almofi [hut out from of com- forefi',‘ her'tar, iron, and eofangeaare only articles a fleet? We ln point‘of flafety, ought we to be without fixty yearn were we whith are" nm the little peofile‘ri‘ow, our property‘; , ageigt tha‘i time we might have trufled r |