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Show '5.- APPENDIX. The prefent Rate of America is truly alarming to every man who is capable of reflexion. Without law, without overnment, without any other mode of power than what u founded on, and granted by eourrcfy. Held together by an unexampled concurrence of fentiment, which, is neverthelefs fubjeét to change, and which, every feeret enemy is endeavoring todiflblve. Our prel'ent condition, is, legifla- tion without law; wiidom without a plan; a conflitution without a name 5 and, what is firangely nflonifhing, perfea Independance contending lot dependance, The inflame is » without a precedent; the cafe never exifled before; and. who can tell what may be the event? The property of no man is'fecure in the prefent unbraced fyf'rem of things. The ~ mind of the muititude is left at random, and feeing no fixed objerft before them, they purfue fuch as fancy or opinion fiarts, Nothing is criminal; there is no fuch thing as trea- (on; wherefore, every one thinks himfelf at liberty to aft as he pleafes. The Tories dared not have aliembled offenfively, had they known that their lives, by that :61, were forfeited to the laws of the fiate, A line ofdiflinéiion would be drawn, betWeen. Englifh foldiero taken in battle, and v inhabitants of America taken in arms. toners, but the latter traitors. the other his head. The firfi are pri- The one forfeits his liherty, Norwithf‘randing our wi(dom, there is a vifible feeblenefs in fome of our proceedings which gives encouragement 'to drfFentions. The Continental Belt is too lofely buckled, . And it {omething is not done in time, it will be too late to neither. Which, in Rate, a into fall (hall we and do any thing, The . fiecmeiliagiqn nor Indepmdana will be praéticable. game old their at got are adherents worthlefs his king and among ‘ ofdividingthe Continent, and there are not wanting sis, Printers. who will be bufy in fpreading fpctious fallehoods. The artful" and hypocritical letter. which appeared . a few months ago in two of the New-York papers, and are men ltkewife in two others, is an evidence that there who want either judgment or honctty. it is eafy getting into holes and corners and talking ol'rehow dirk conciliation: But do fuch men ferioufly confider, 010:1? prove, may it dangerous how and colt the tailg is, a r G |