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Show l i 4 T‘A‘P'PENDIX. {7 341! denominations of men.‘ And on this ground, as men .szoriog to cilablifh an indcp‘cndant C'oniiitulion of our own, do we cxcccd all others in out hope, cnd, and ain‘t. Our plan irpmta fir aver. We are tired of comrvtim :vgitli Britain, and can fr‘e no real and m it but in a final fepatalion. We :16} confidently, becaut‘s for th: { kc- of introducing an cndlcfs and uninterrupted pcarc, do m be." the evils and burthcns g! the prclcnt day. We arcrcm'ca- hVOIiflg; ""3 _Wlll_ flcadily continue to endeavor, to {cparnfd 'and difihlva a connexidn which hath already fillcrl‘rur land with blood ; and, which, while this name (,l‘ it in mains,‘will be thc fatalcaufc of future mifchiefs to both . countricy. ‘ we fight ncithcr for rcvcng: not corquct'l ; with-r from pride nor paiiion; we ate not inluldng the wmid . with out~flcers and armies, nor ravagirg'thc glob: for plun4 der." Beneath th: (had: of our own vines are we attnrksd; in our own hdufcs, and on our own land:‘, is thc vin'crcc committed againfi us. W'c view our enemies in the ch2‘r'aficr of Highwaymen and chfcbrcakcrs, and having no defence for within: in the civil law, are obliged to punifh them by the military one; and apply the (word, in the very cafe, where you have before now, applied thc halter. tfi-gePerhaps .Wc feel for the mind and infulterl Tuffer-_ us in all and every part of the comment, with a dsgrcc at" ' r, ‘tériderpcis which hath not yet madcdt's way into {nine of l'eynur'bofomm' Bat be i ye (are. that}: mifl'skc hm thr: - attic and ground ‘asf your Teflimony. Cail m mldnds of foul, religion ; nor pugtbc Bigot in the plzc: cfthc Clm'f- ' n'an.\z ', _ 0 ye partial ‘minii'lert of your own acknowledged prim 83kt Jf thc hearing nrmsrbi: finful, lhc firfl going in me ufl more (a. by all the diff-flrncc‘bctw'cn wilful'pt. ‘ ,uit'iaiwidtable-rdefiance.~ _Wh:r¢forc,l if ye may 'nitonfctgngctandj ineajn north maké a pqlit‘cai {c.nf‘you‘r "religion, Ennvin§c_thc 'whrld lhclrof, ‘ 'ocllttqtingpqu doéirine to our cncmiés fur thy lilie(fibkdr {ARMS} Give Us prnofuf yrrur_finc¢riri' by nub, ‘ 'flzin‘gjt it S!,'Jamcs's,'to‘thc commander: in rhict‘ at 'an‘. 11516 the Admirals and Captains Witt) arc piutically I" i .' , g " fl v~ V 4 vagzrg t |