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Show COMMON SENSE. )6 COMMON SENSE. «flit, and put them to his work 5 and be will tale the {with of yaw flap. and ye [ball be H: fevvant: and 11/]; Jl cry out in s7" honors of has» cotempwmries, yet his dcfcendants might be liar too unwor hv to inherit them. One ufthe firongcfl rmtural penis cf the lolly 0f harecisaty ligh' in kings, is, thac that day [wan/e 0/ your king wbic/J let/ball 174w chat/kn, AND nit‘u c difappnwes it, othcw l: {he W'Mld nni lo freq-tently THE Loan WILL NOT HEAR YOU IN THAT DAY "-- tum it into rtdlcu :- by giving mamkim: an nfifor alian. This accomts to: the continuation of munarcht ; milm do SfiCOfldiy, as an m m at fi ll Ct'tlt‘d ptifl‘cis MW ulhz‘ public haunts than wcle bellowed upon bum in the g'vcrs of thcitc hunms cuu'd have no pntscr to gm- away the right of the characters ofthc few gnud kings which hate liver‘ it ce, either {arlétify the tillt, or hot out the liniu'rtcls of J's? .‘J i- gin; the high crcr-mium given oi Da' 1d fakes nn n" its. of him gfiicially at" lift: , hutonlv as 8 mm: wet 'ch' tvwn heart. Nevertbe/ey'i the {maple refit/ed ta alm- m,» wire if 9amuel, andtbey [aid nay, but we will harm a ling mm at hat it)! may be like all the nation, a {1 w, and get cut before us andfigbt our tinued to reafon with them, but to no thcmtheiringratitudc, but all wound rliarourliug .3.‘j>.,dgc 511mm. ‘5; m . z; t: nputpulc; m; it; h istrc not avail; an: 5e" .:g ,pottcrity, and though they might in 6‘ We chouic yxau for our hcad," thcv c -uid nor wuhwut mamftlt ltj'lilicc to their: tchi (lac-i, lay 5' that yaw children-arid you: clti‘dmrk chil- elm iii-ll rcign met am: far ever. Becaulc {och an unwilc, u'tiul't, unnatural cam'afi migh‘ (tlflvhlpfsE in the next {uccsfliun put them under h: govcinmetzt ot a rogue ma afool. iVLl‘r wife men, in their priv-ttc tcntimchts, have cVer treated heredita-y right with c mifimpt ; yet I; is use of them fully bent on their lolly, he cried out, I will (all mm the Lord, and be/lmllfmd thunder and rain (which hat: was thufc CVilS, which when once tll‘ahithtd is net (.fily removed 5 many fubmit from fear, others frhm {upctftilion,'am§t a pgnifhment, being in the time of wheat harvcll) that you may perceive audfee that your wickedmy: i: great which )t the more powerful part (hams With the king thc plunder of have dam in tbeflgbt oft/7e Lord, IN ASKXNG you A KING. the tell. This is fuppofing the prcg'cnt race of kingsin the worlti 80 Samuel called mm :11: Lard malt/fie Lard/mt thunder and rain that day, and all the prop/e greatly feared t/u Lord and to have had an honorable origin ; Wile-'Cis it's mare than pma 1nd alltbe people fizid mm Samuel, pray far {by tub e, that could we take : ifzhe dank coveringnf mtvquityn and trace them to their filfi rile, that we (horrid find the fill; fervent: mm the Lardtbycad that we die not..for WE. HAVE 53f them nothing better than the principal ruffian of lame ADDED UNTO OUR sINs THIS EVIL.) To ASK A KING. Thcfc pmtions of t'caipture are dived and pufitive. They scfilefs gang, whole lavage manncrs m we: cmi'cice in {uhu Samuel. admit of no equivocal conl'tméiion. Thatzhc A m‘ghty hath here missed his protcfl againfl monarchical govcmv ment is true,or the {cripture is faife. And a man hath guod silty obtained him the title of chief am» rig p'undelers ; and who by increafiug in power, and extehd Hg his ttcpmu i- tions, overaw' d the quiet and dcfcnrelcis to pu'chalc their pery of governmcnr. To the evil of monarchy we have added that of hereditary falcty by frequent contributians. "all: his csz'tms could have no idea of giving hereditary right to his dci'cemias is, 'bccaut‘e fuel}. a perpetual excfufian of thcmlclvcs vns EDCO" patiblc with the ircc and ut'irrztiramcd principles they pioéct'i‘cd to live by. Vthrciorc, hereditary t'ucutiii‘n m the: early ages of munarch‘y mull} not take p‘acc as a matter of Iucceflion ; and as thc fixl't is a degradation and lcflbning 0E Claim, but as (emailing, calual or cmnplimcntalg, but as tcw ourfcives,lo ire (wand, claimed as a matter of right, is an 0r no records were extant in tholc days, and traditionary infult and an impcfizion on policrity. For all men being 0- biliary flufircd with fables," was very caty,aitcr the laple Ufa riginally equals, no me by birth could have a tight to let up his own family in perpetual preference to all others for ever, fcw generationmo trump up iomc {uperfiitmua ta:c Conveni- union to believe that that is as much of king-Craft, as priefl~craft, in withho'ding the fcripture from the public in popiih countries. For monarchy in every infiancc is the po- grid titgugh _bin1{cit_rriight dclcrvc fame dccrnt dtgree of ‘ ' honor; fi‘mly timcd, Mahomgt like, to cram hereditary right down 5th a |