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Show , :8 COMMON COMMONiSENSE. SENQE. not. then-are in; nor a judge of thofe wht- have. But if you have and can flitl (halts hands with the murderers, then art: you unworthy the mine of hufbrmd, lz‘hf't. f lt'fit', or lover, and whatever may be your rank or uric in life, \nu have the heart of a cowa=d. and the {pirit of a imnphant. This is not it timing or exagaé'ating mat res but trying them by thofe feelings and afi‘caions which PIN"; jufe litres, and without which, we thou d be incansb e of dilcharglng the focial duties of life, or enjoying the ielicitics of it. 1 mean not to exhibit honor for the purpofe of provoking? revenge, but to awaken us from fatal and unmanly numbers that we may puriue determinately fame fixed objeét. ' l‘is hot in the power of England or of Europe to conquer America, if [he doth not conquer htrfelf by delay and iimin'r‘tr. The pt'elcgtt winter is worth an age if rightly employed, but if loll or neg'efled,the whofe continc'nt will partake of the misfortune; and there is no pttniihment which that man doth not defcrve, be he who', or what, or where he will, that may be the means of facrtficing a (cation {0 piecious and uteful. ' 29 To fay, they wil never attempt it again is id'e and viiiyct'a. onary, we thought {0 at the repeal of the llamp aé'l, year or tw~ unneceivcd us; as well may we fuppufe that never renew the ha inns which but: been once dsfcated will . gravel. Brirvf A As to gwerr‘mtnt matters, 'tis not in the p~wer . H wrll tain to no this continent jl)‘.:C'i 3 The bufirzcls of any with d manage be farm be too wr'ghty and intricate to drilant {a pwer a by twerab'e degree at cnnvenicrrce, cannot crinfrom its, and fa very ignorant of us; for if they grer us, they Cannot gnvrrn us. To be alwsy's running a petition, wattthree or four thoufand miles with a tale or whenobtarning {Our or five mzrnths for an anfrver, which ll in afew tn,w: rr in "pla to more fix ed, requires five or ' --'l here nefs- . ldilh chi and fully as upon had In be years time proper a was a timr alien it was proper, and there is for it to ceafe. Small liltnds not capable of prmcé'ling themlslvcsaa'e under their care : the proper ot‘jcéls for gavernment to take a «same!!! but 416 e is tomcthing very abfurdjn {uppofing to b- perpe'nally governed by an ifltnd. In no tnflancc 'Tis repugnant to rcafon, to the univerfal order of things, to all taxamples ft: m former ages, to iuppofe, that this con- its primary planet, hath nature made the {atellite larger than tinent cm long remain fnbjcét to any external power. The mt-fl {anguine in Britain do 'not think {0. The utmofl firstth and as Eng'an lhcy belorg verfe the cnmmm or let nf natutet it is evident ca tu "fellAmeri e: Europ w t- d Ester" iyiismstiEngland or relentparty, pride, of s mative by 1 «,m not induced ndance. indepe and inn feparat oi nc dnélti :l'te t {insul mcnt to nf human wifdcm banner, at this time, co-mpafs a plan {hart nfa frparatrnn,'which can prumtfe the continent even is year's (county. Reconciliation is mu; 3 lallacious drcann Nature hath defertcé the conneaicn, and art cannot (uppr hat [.1 race. For as Milton wifely cxprtfics " never can true reenaciicment grow, where wounds of deadly hate have pierced in dccp." Ewry quiet methntl for peace hath been intffeaual. Our pla§€;S have been trj'tied with diidain 5 and only tended to (0118;30" us, that nothing flaitcrs vanity, 0r confirms chitinacy ierrngs, more than repeated petitioning-and nothing hath contributed m'wrc th'iR that very mealtime to make the Kin-gs 0t Eat-ope ablatu't : Wrttrcfs Denmark and Sweden. Vt'hcrcfute. liner: nothing but biows will do, for God's like let us come to a final reparation, and not luv: the next generation to be cutting throats, under the violated insures uf pstent and child. To d and, America with refsca to each other, '9- t'd that it I am c‘catlv, phfi'iwly. anti ccmfmcntica-fl; perfuad every that to; b: to r‘t confinr this is the true irrrersfl of no it can aflbrd thing [hurt of tbar is merc'psvchavok: th at lafling felicity-thatit is leaving the {word to our chime-=56 far- more, a little {hiking back at a time, whrn‘ a htt'e g‘ntyuf €th earth. 1h? enr con-:in s "h ther,w :ii'fd have rendered to- inc‘inatron - As Bdtaln hath not manift-ltrd the leafi nn terms can Wasés a comprbmifc, we may be sfibred that nts 0' 3' comme the be sbtaincvl. wnrhy the accep‘ance of we have e treafur and blood of e nv ways in ml to the expens been alreaw put to. . ejufi The obi it came"! -d for, ought alwaye to bear {om {impartron to the "genes. The removal of Nor‘ th, or the when: |