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Show ‘A P'PEN‘DIX. , 5" {table t‘o'all othe‘rf The‘argument turns thus-tat the donclufion of the lat} war, we had experience, but wanted \ numbers; and forty or fifty .years. home, we (hould have numbers, without experience; wherefore, the proper point of time. mufl be [o'me particular point hethen thetv-o extlemes, in which a {ufiiciency of the former remains, and " proper inoeafe of the latter is obtained : And that point ‘of time is the pretcnt time. ‘3 The reader will patdon this digreflion, as it does not prdn perly come tlndCI' the head i firfl let out with, and to which [again return by the following pofitinn‘,'viz. _ Should affairs be patched up with Britain, and {he to remain the gove- ning andJovcreign power of America, (which as' matters are now c'ircumflanced, is gitjing up the point in- tiiely) we {hall deprive ourfelvcs of the very means of fin!in the debt we have, or may contraél. The value ol the' back lands which tome oi the provinees are clardeflinely deprived of, by the unjui‘l tx'L‘an‘l'l of the limits of Canada, valued only at five pounds fining per hurd'ed actea,amoun¢‘ 'to' upwards of twenty five millions, Penntylvania currency; grid the quitrents at one penny ficriing per acre, to two million! yearly. - Jtia by the (alt: of thin" "W‘s that the‘dehi may be funk, V'ithout butthen to art-3‘, anti tint quit-rent referved thereon, the will always' leifen, and in time, will wholly {opport long early expence of government. It matters not how apbe {old when lands the debt is in paying, (0 that the of whieh, ‘ plied to the difcharge of it, and for the execution the Congrefa for the time being, will be the continental [when the ca:1 proceed now to the legend head. viz. Which ison IN- RECONCILIATION sen and molt praé'ticable plan. : remarks. DEPENDANCE ; with {ome occafional out beaten eafily not is He who takes nature for his guide. I aniwct generally-- of his argument,~and on that ground, SIMPLE Luvs, 75" mpgpgummcn being a SINGLE l" untnimd within our/(Iva; and reconciliation, _4 "WU" """'b"" a ""3""! 1'" Md ((ldingly perplexed and camp/ital", cm‘caprt'ct'ou: court 1': to interftfl; 8W" "1‘ anfwcr'witbvut ‘ dorm; . ' Th C |