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Show " COM~MON SENSE. . ~ In page thirty-four I threw out a few thoughts on the Continental Charter, (for! only prefume to offer hints, hot‘plans) and in this placeI take the liberty of remen‘ tioning the fubjefl, by obferving, that a charter is to be underflood as a bond of folemn obligation, which the whole enters into, to {upport the right of every feparate part, whe- ther of religion, ‘pert'onal freedom, or property. A right reckoning makes long friends. . ‘ i In a former page! likewife mentioned the neceflity of: large and equal rcprefentation ; and there is no political matter which more dcferves our attention. A fmall num: ber of electors, or a {mall number of reprefentativet are e, qually dangerous. But if the number of the reprefentatives be not only (mall, but unequal, the danger is increafed. As an infiance of this I mention the following ; when the aKociators petition was before the Houfe ofAchmbly of Penn{ylvania,twsoty eight members only were ptefent. All the Bucks county members, being eigh', voted againl't it, and had {even of the Chefler members done the fame, this ‘whole Province had been governed by two counties only, and this danger it is always, cxpofcd to. The unwarrantaa ble firetch likewife, which that houle made in their hit fitting, to'gairf‘an und'ue' authority over the Delegates of that Province, ought to warn, the people at large, how they trut! power out' of (bait: min hands. ' A {et of inflruétiona for the Delegates'wcre put together, which in point of (mic and bufinefs would have diihonored a {chool boy, and after being approved by a few, a wry few Without doors, were carried into the houfe, and there pallet! r'n tubal/aftlu who]: Colony ; whereas did the whole Colony kno‘wt With what ill will that houfa hath entered on fomc neceflary public' meafures, they would not helitate a moment to think them, ' unworthy of {itch a troll. convenient, things many makes Immediate neceflity Expeo which if contihued would grow into Oppretlions; dience and right, are different things. When the calami- metiesrof America required a confultation, there was no per. thod fo'teady, or at that time to proper, as to appotnt and fans from the {everal hput'es of All'emhly for that purpofe; eeded hath prefcrvfid the wildcat with which they have proc t it - ‘ ‘ ‘ |