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Show 42 COMMON SENSE. thing can be farther from truth than this ; for if America had only a twentieth part ofthe naval force of Britain, the would be by far an over match for her ; becau'e, as w: neither have, not claim any foreign dominion, our tubule force would be employed on our own coal}, where we fhould, in the long run, have two to one the advantage of thofe who had three or four thoufand miles to fail over, he- ffore they eculd attack us, and the lame diiiance to return an order to refit and recruit. And although Britain by he! fleet, hath a check over our trade to Europe, we have a: jYargea one over her trad: to the Weft-Indies, which, by iaying‘in the neighbourhool of the Continent, is entirely at ‘ x Its mercy. , Some method might be fallen on to keep up a naval force in time ofpeace, if we {hould notjudge it neceffiry to {up- port a confiant navy. ' 1f premiums were to be given to mere chants, to build and employ in their fervice, {hips mounted Jit'ith twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty guns, (the premiums to he in preportion to the lots of bu‘k to the merchants) fifty m fixty of thofe (hips, with a few guard {hips an conflant duty, would keep a futhcient navy, and that without burdening ourfelves with the evil, to loudly complained of in England, of fuffcring their fleet, in time of peace to lie rot- ting in the docks. To unlte the finewa of commerce and defence is found policy ; for when our fircngth and our riches; play into each other's hand, we need fear no external enemy. Hemp . abound we e defenc of article every almofi In cor' flourilhes even to ra- knel's, to that we need not want Our es. countri other of that to r {uperio is iron dage. Our {mall arms equal to any in the world. catt at p‘eafure. day producing. Cannon we can; Saltpetre and gunpowder we are every; Our knowledge is hourly improving. Re- never. {Jlution is our inherent charaé'ter, and courage hath Why want? we that it is what fore, ,Where us. ycttforfaken g it; it that we hcfitate? From Britain we can expeét norhin but ruin. lithe it once admitted to the government of traction again, this Continent wianot be Worth living in. be con-" _lealoufies will be always ariftng ; infurreflions will th‘e‘r'nhP. flantly happening ,5 and who will go forth ‘to quell or 11' J . l ‘ - .u ' .t y y . /"§ flanneuwamm... .. m...1...». - m, ,- , . -. . v ‘ |