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Show :56 APPENDIX. A To {be Rapiefentatiw: 5f the Rea'z'giom Socicfy of [be i 1 capes cos/ea Qual‘eri, or to [0 many of tlycm a! V'c'fl‘ cmwrizm m pub/filing a late piece, emit/ed, P P E N D I K". 57 a" denominaféons of men. And on ihie gmund, as man lzbming to xiiabiifl) an lndcpzndanc Confiétuiion of our "‘ :1 3w. ANCIENT Ths'riMONY and Pamcrd own, do we cxcccd a" where in our hope, end, and aim. Our film: is peace far even "7:: are {Ltd of Cantrvfltnm W «us if lht‘ Prople calico QUAKE" renew. viii Britain, and can {we no 112:! end to it hm. iv : fimi *' " "‘ ‘- 67?: with refpc& [othc‘ Kmé: and GOVERNu MPNT, and touching the COMMOTIONS now a Ic‘valiing in theft antiother parts Offl mania LA addtcfl'ed toshc PEOPLE 114 GENERAL." frmmiirrn. We at} coafifi'ei‘zi‘iyi biz-c3195? .‘m th‘. { kc (,f intmflrciflg an en-éfeé‘s and uriiiirzr‘nzpsfd p:‘::=!‘e:, 0:) w: Ma the evils said burzhms of tke picfcnt Liél'g'. 2m! d~1fi="':22 ‘a Cumszxicn which huh aimed}; fiiit‘d‘flfii ‘~éE Writer aims, is one of that: few, who never Egan? wuh Haw-2rd ; and which, winiia caihuners reiigion either by indicuiing, or ca-v'iln mamaa will ‘cc (3'3: fatal cauf: of fame 1mg many dcnc-minafion whatfocver; To God.mt to man: at: 3‘7 men accountab‘i‘c on the (cm: nfi ¥ iginn. \‘i'hcicfore. this epifiic is no: {0 propcrly addufi- We arc-eztv‘m- vexing, QM} Wiii {Radial}! Cuntirnzez m ends-won. t0 I'ngmn‘c mm of i! H‘‘miefs m hoah ' - ugh: neithc: fa: revenge nar corqucf}, ; rcidwr frcm pride no: pzffion; w;- arc not infiiking the War-M to 7" mm ax a miigious, but as a poiizical body, dabbling in menus, which ihe profcffcd Quictudc of your Princi‘v Epics influx? you not to meddle, with, with Our fleets and armies, no: ravagii'gjhc gicbc for p'un- $35 you have, without a propzr amfiofity fbr {0 dining, committed againi‘: us. "7:: View our cnemics in she (Imraficr of Highwaymen and Houfcbrcy‘kers, and having no écfcncc for ourfcivcs in the civil law, are obliged to puhifll than: by the miiimry one, and appiy the (word, in {ha very mfg-,3 Wham you have befnm now, apgfiad (h: haimr. nun-«Pabsps we feel for the ruined and infuhcd fixflirrfi us in 3" and flew part of the continem, with a degree of tenderncfs which hath net yet made it's way into fame of pa; youlfeives in the piacc of the whoic body oflhe Q121kflrs, fo, the writer ofthis, in older to be on an equal Hunk with yourfcivcs, is undcl me "(($517 of panning himfelf in We We: of ali tilde; Mm, appzove lhc‘ very Wli'ingl and printiplcs, againfi which, your éefiimmny i3 d‘irracd :And in: hath chm'en this finguiar Lina-non, in ardsr, shat you mightc‘ifcover in him that prefmnpiion of charaflcr which ynu cannot fee in yourfclvcs. Far neither he no: 2r. Bcneazh (h: (had: of our awn vims are WC swank-id; in our own home's, and on our own lands, is tic vis‘c-rcc your bofoms. But be ye {urclfhat ye miflakc net the: you can have any claim or litlc to Political Reps/interim: Vthn men havé departed {mm the right way, it is no wonder that they fiumbie and fall._ And it is evidcm from the manner in which ye have managed your Keflimony, cam": and gmunfi Elf your Tcfiimony. Call not midnefs offiml, religion ; nm with: 31'ng : .: phase ofshc Clmf- that politics, (as a religious body of men) is no: your pro. cipirs. If :h: hearing aims he fixifuh, the 5:?! going m «at per Wail: ; foe hourever well adnpicd "u might nppear w you, it is, ncvatheicfa, aj‘umble of good and had put unwifeiv Ingeiber, andthc conelufion drawn themmm, both unnatural and unjufi. The ma firfi pages, (and the w'hoic dbi'ri nof mai'kc four) nan. 0 ye panias miniflers of your own arknow‘ei'ged prinmufl be more {0. by a"? Ihe difi‘vrrmcz'betw'cn wiifui 3t:ack and unavoidibfc defr'nce. Wham-fore, if ye "any preach from conicmncm and mean mm to make a poiie‘cail hobby horfc of your re!igion, famine the wngid lime-J, by pmchiming yqur doflrinc to out caemies for they (ii:- we gave you credit for, and cxpcé} the fame civility from wzfi bear ARMS. you. becaufc the iove 211d defire of peace is not confined liking it at St. jamca's, (other C(Jmm'UEdfli in "hEet‘ in ‘i‘iaf. g9 Qt-akcnlm, it is the mmral, as weal (h: rdi'gicus with of Ion, ts) [he Admirals and Captains who am pizazicaEZy ya. vagirg a}! Give us proofuf your fircetif'v bv pub, |