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Show COMMON SENSE‘ tNTRODUCTrON P. S. The Publication of this new Edition hath been delayed, with a Vtety of taking notice (had It been necef- en. fary) of any Attempt to refute the Doétrtne of Indep mprefu now to tt ed, appear dance 2 A: no Anfwer hath yet ed that none will. the Time needful for getting inch 3 pafl, l'erfotmanee ready for the Public being ct rfiderably ' Who the Au hut of this P-odué'tton is. is wholly unnew eefi'ary to the Public as th- Object lor Attenti: o Is the Decefi trim itfrlf, not-the Mae. Yet It may not be unnecan far-y to far, That he is unconneaed With any Patty, finder no fort at I fluence public or when, but the iufltfi enee of reafon and put»: pe. Philadelphia, library 14, 1716. 9f the origin and defign of government in genes; ral. With cautil‘e remarks on the Englilh cons flirtation. OME writers have fo confounded {ociety with govern?" ment, as to leave little or no difiinéiion between them 3; whereas they are not only tHFerent but have different origim. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickednels 3‘ 'he former promote: our happinels pe- ftiwly by uniting our aff-flions, the latter mpfiwly by refiraining our viCes. The one encourages intercoutfe, th. other creates difiinéhone. The fi' it is a patron, the lat! Ii punilher. Society in every Rate is a bleifing. but government even? in its belt Rate is but a met-flirty evil 3 in it's wort} fiate at! intolerable one ; for when we {ufim or are expofed to the fame miferie: by a gowrmmnt, which we might expect in I country without gawmmmt, our calamity ts heightened by reflefiing that we furntlh the means by which we {ufi‘eu-n Government like drel's, is the badge of lot! innocence ; the palace: of kings are built on the ruins of the bower: of paradile‘ For were theimpulfes ofconl'cience creamumform, and irrefil'tably obeyed, man would need no other lawgivcr 5 but that not being the cafe, he finds it necelFary to {attendee tap a part of his property to furnifh means for the proteflion of the refi; and this he is induced to do by the fame prudence which in ever other c: {e adviles hum out of two :- vils to choofe the lealtt Wherefore, lecuri'y being the true defign and end of government, it unanl'werably folows that whatever form thereof appears mot? likely to infure it to use with the leafi expencc and greatefi benefit, is preferable to all she". In order to gain a clear aodjufi idea of the defign and 22: |