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Show REPORTS CONCERNING INDIANS IN UTAH. 347 of fmd 10 in sewing and la"ndr7 work, and 3 in the care of poultry. I have given a~al8faneeo r inmckoa in thecare of S5eqk men and women. Have found my work very interesting and think the Indian woman, were she given the same chance that the whlte woman has, would advance m the pame degree and even mom, ss she appre ciates every opportunity while the white woman does not. , . There has been muoh iiekness here during thls year, and it mnkespne feelwdnot to be able to help more in this line. We have been putting especial efforts along the llneof nursing theslek, end great improvement has been made, I thmk. Theone thing though that has helped in the civilization of these Indiana met of all is ettinv them out of the hirty "\dick~upsi~n't o houses. The lndxau woman takes much prldem keep& he'; own house clean, and enjoys in full ornamenting it "all same as wh~tem uaw." At the death of one of oor Indian8 lvhlle we were sway on our vacation oneaf the Indianamades coffin a grave wasdug and a chriatian senrieeileid at thegrave bp theeiders of ourchurch. Liae moreithen one year aio he would haw been thrown intos hole rvllh $1 his belongings, snd an s91ndian levy" held over theplace, we feel ?hat srry efrorts toward heiplng the "red man" to help himself are not lost, but will m a rery short time reau great resulU. SADIE McmsreB, &Id Xatmn. LAURA B. W&K, special DizbwHng Agnll. REPORT OF AGENT FOR UINTAH AND OURAP AGENCY. UINTAA~N D OUEAYA QENCY, I17h<terock, Ua, A.ugut 26, 1904. SIB: I have the honor to submit annual re ort for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, for the Uintah and Ouray Agency, ut&. This a ency during the past year has been under the ehirge of Capt. W. A. Mercer, 8eventh Cavalry, who was relieved by me July 1, 1904. The Whiteriver and Uinta hands of Ute Indians occupy the Uinta Reservatioh, which contains the drainage of the Ducheane and Uintah rivers. The Unwmpahgre Utes occupy portions ot the former Uncompahp Reservation, and a ortion of the Uinb Reservation lying along the lower Duchesue River, out of whit% lands were allotted them by an allotting wmmissian in the years 1898-99. The Indians of this reservatiop (Unwmpahgre) at present occupy very few of the original allotments made them b this commission, and a great many of them rove .wild in the remote sections on Willow Creek, White R~vera,n d other localities many lrrilesdistant from the subagency at Ouray, which in located near the junction of Green and White rivers. Censns.-The population as shown by the census just completed, is as follows: Uinta Utes, Uinta Agency: Males over 18 years.. ................................... 158 F~ma l e sove r14eya rs ................................. 128 Ma l a under 18 years ........ ;.. ........................ 89 Femalea under 14 yutrs ................................. 70 _-. A d < = - Between 6 and 16 ~ e a r s(m ales 46, females 33) ........... 79 Whiteriver Utes, Uind Agency: Malesover18yeam .................................... 129 F- emales over 14 veam .................................. 96 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~A Males under 18 veam ................................... 61 Females under i4 ................................. 60 - 346 Between 6 and 16 years (males 32, females 35) ........... 67 Uncom.~.ah. e reU tes, Ourav Subag.e nc.y : 3laler mer 18 yeare. ..................................... 182 E'mlalcu over 14 years .................................. IYR -M-a les under 18 vrarr ................................... 83 Females under 14 y am. ................................ 79 - 5.4...1 Between 6 and 16 years (males 38, females 49). ........... 87 Rograss.-The Indians of both these reservations will work and do perform a large amount of work, but it is imperative in order to accomplish any great result@ in this direction that Iudlans must not be Left to their own initiative, for, while they may earn some money of their own volition, they will invariably spend or gamble away what they make without providing for the future in any manner. It seemsto have been the licy during the past year to have procured as much work as oesible for individua%dlans in performingwork forthe agency and forwhitemen in t i e vicinity. If a definite iece of work is set out for them, they will, on the whole, aecompliah it in a creditade manner, but seem to have no capahty to secure work of the= own accord. |