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Show In sevipmg.-3lii3 Effie 31. i.ugcnbeel, seamstm.-This ex~r r iaew nn in the ~chool-room witlt a rlwa of large %irk, the topic king the gather in^ stitch and millking rnfflw, axad cun,iated of a11 UTUI recitation and iu,tual work, applying thu recitatiot~ to practice. In earpenny.-Joseph Lipkey, carpenter.-Thi3 w;ts in the carpenter ?hop witln a ~1.2-9 of large .I plan for a house had been drawn, enlarxetl iron) tlw original. 111111 tllel~u sedsan \vorkiu drawing lor makinpalargemud~l. Theclaw wasen~agrd in ~o"p?rirl~ the timber? k r the lint atory. Tney tilxt recited and tlrrlr worked <,I> the timbers. In cooking.-Miss M. Phillips, housekeeper.-This was in the schoolroom with the cooking class. They made baking-powder biscuit, deseribin each step of the process. The class then adjourned to a room containing a stove anff reappeared after a time with the biscuits baked. Ciphering matoh.-F. E. Robemon, princi a1 teacher.-Four pupils from each of the third and fourth p e s w ere ~e a t edw it! slates and pencils. After writing each name and rade, num era were read by the teacher for addition or subtraction. On obtaining Phe result the slate was placed on a stand conveniently located. After all had finished one of the pupils passed to the blackboard to'record the correct results. The teacher took up each slate from the pile, reading the answers when they were found to be correct. 1017045-27 |