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Show , COMYISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 71 March 22,1904, the Department granted authority for St. Stephen's Catholic Mission on Wind River Reservation, Wyo., to extend its irri-gation ditch about a mile along Little Wind River and across Indian lands in order to provide a water supply for the mission. March 23,1904, the Office granted permission totbe National Indian Association, of Philadelphia, Pa., to uae temporarily the old abandoned Government adobe buildings situated on the north side of the plaza and in the center of the Camp McDoweU (Ariz.) Indian Rese~.vation for the purpose of a public library, reading room, chapel, and social hall for the benefit of the Ihdians. May 11, 1904, the Department granted anthority for the temporary use by the trustees of the public school district of Rosebud County, Mont., for public school purposes, of one-half of an acre on the Crow Reservation, Mont. May 21, 1904, authority was granted by the Department for the temporary use by the War Department of about 20 acres of lend on the Umatilla Reservation, Oreg., as a brget ground for the United States troops at Fort Walla Walla, ,Wash. LOGGING ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS. La Pointe Agency-Lac du Flambeau Reservation, W&.-September 28,1892, the President approved rules to govern the sale of timber on the allotted lands of the Lac du Flambeau Reservation. ' The authority for the sale of the timber was granted under the provisions of the treaty of September 30,. 1854. J. H. Cushway & Co. is the authorized timber contractor. As a general rnle, the contracts expirod ten years from the date of their approval. During the past year several approved timher contracts covering allotted lands within the Lac du Flambeau Reservation expired, and .the question arose as to whether the timber contractor should be allowed to renew the expired contracts at prices agreed to be paid in 1892 or whether the contractor should . he required to pay a higher rate. By the provisions of the original contract the contractor was required to pay annually to the Indian agent for the use of the allottee, heginning one year from the date of the contract until such time as the timber had been cut and removed from the land,, a sum equal to 5 per cent of the contract price of the timber, upon an estimate to be made by a competent estimator, to be agreed upon between the parties to the contract. After all phases of the renewal proposition had been considered it was finally decided to authorize the &lambeau Lumber Company, which had succeeded to the interests of J. H. Cushway dt Co., to renew the expired contracts st prices as follows: Per Y. Per M. Merchantable white pine ........ $7.00 Elm ............................ $2.00 Norway pine .................... 7,00 Maple .......................... 3.00 Hemlock ....................... 1.50 Birch ........................... 2.50 Merchantable basswood.. ..-..-.. 1.00 Oak ............................ 6.00 |