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Show REPORT Or THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. OFFICE OF INDIAANF FAIRS, Wmhingtm, D. C., Octo6er 17, 1904. .Sm: The Seventy-third Annual Report of the Office of Indian. Affairs is respectfully submitted. FINANCE. Appropriations.-The aggregate of appropriations contained in the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905, is $9,853,480.75. The aggregate of the appropriations for the same pur-poses for the fiscal year 1904, as given in the previous-report, was $8,521,306.77. The objects of the appropriations for the two years ale shown as follows: No. 1.-Appropriationr contained in the Indian year8 1904 and 1905. act for the @cal Excess of 1905 over 1904, $1,332,173.98. 'Other appropriations for the Indian service were made by the defi-ciency and other acts for 1904 and 1905 as follows: TABLEN o. 2.-Appropriations made by deliekncy and other acts, I904 and 1905. cunent and mangent expenses ............................................. 83% W.W ............ Miscellaneous ................................................................. Total ..................................................................... |