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Show INDIAN SCHOOL SITES. !is? my site that muld be selected, and recommended that a water right he mured for thls site for about $50, through the purchase of about 10 or 15 shares of s. ditch then being constructed. The deeds were returned for further explanation, and for correction of defects in deeds. April 26 Superintendent Asbury returned the three deeds with abstracts of title expla~neda nd defects adjusted and reported thst the water right recommended was as necessary to the school as the land. May 5 the abstract of title was returned to Superintendent Ashury with definite instructions as to sheriff's writs, which were a cloud on the title to the land. Superintendent Ashury returned the deed8 and abstract May 21, with report as to writs being outlawed, whereupon this office submitted to the Department June4 suu-dry deeds from patentee and assigns, including the Jmie Turner deed, with ahstmt of title, together with the following deeds, viz: 1. Deed dated November 7,1903, from Margaret A. Peter, "the le a1 and regularly appointed successor to Josie Turner, as teacher of Bigpine Indim ~cfool ,"c onveying to the United States far $1 the fallowing described tract of land in the W d of BE. t of sec. 18, T. 9 8., R. 34 E., Mount Diablo meridian, vm: Beginning3 the north-west corner of the NW. f of the SE. + of said sec. 18; thence a t 208.8 feet, south 208.8 feat, west 208.8 feet, north 208.8 feet to the place of beginning. 2. Deed dated November 4, 1903 from Carrie A. Greg , conveying to the United Statesfor$l her interest in the follodring described tract ofland in the NW. +of SE. t of see. 18, T. 9 S., R. 34 E., Mount Diablo meridian, viz: Beginning at the northwest corner of the NW. +of BE. f of said sec. 18, thence east 208.8 feet, south 313.2 feet, west 208.8 feet, nort4313.2 feet to the plaee of beginning, containing la acres. 3. Deed dated November 4,1903, from J. E. McConnell conveying to the United States for $1 the la acres above described in deed No. 2, kith the recommendation thitt they be laid before the Attorney-Generd for his written opinion as to the valid-ity of the title to said 16 acres of land. The Department returned the several deeds for the Bigpine Indian School .June 17, 1904, with the opinion of the Attorney-General rendered June 14, as to validity of title. The deed from Ma~gareAt . Peter was recorded in the recorder of deeds' office, Inyo County, Osl., November 10, 1903, in hook 2, page 494 of Inyo County records, and in this office in miacelbneous record book volume 5, page 320. The deed from Carrie A. Gregg and her hus&nd, Stephen G. Grw, was recorded November 5, 1903, in recorder of deeds' office, Inyo Count , Cal., in volume 3 of deeds, age 89, and in this office in miscellaneous record boot, volume 5, page 319. The fieed from 3. E. McConnell was recorded in ssme office November 5, 1903, in hook 2, page 492, and in this office in miscellaneous record book, volume 5, page 318. GRAND JUNCTION, COLO. By the Indian appmpristion act ap mved May 27 1902 (32 Stats., p. 271), Con-gress appropriated for the Indian schoo? at Grand Judction, Colo.- Robert M. Pringle supervisor of engineering, was instructed July 9, 1902, to pro-ceed to Grand Junction and consult with Superintendent Lemmon and investieate the bed pI.tt1 for improving the wntrr and eewrq! systeur of tht! schml. Heutia* erpwwd up aub~olra plsn for ivir~yt he srl,uol thc he r poeeihle water aud s rwewr svstem wit18 t l~zrn onvv avnilahe. the conetrt~,ti<,aan d inuc,n,~~rmantoe b* so made that there would be ria future interference of county or Aty official6 or others, and that the dan r to the health of the community from the disposal of the sewage would be r g c e d to a minimum. He reported, August 12, that the best plan for sewage dispheal would be s aewer line of 8-inch pipe extending from a manhole located at the southwest corner of school g?~trn.la ailti alr,ny the i;ul,li< highway, pneningundrr themilroad truck, thencedoan r ~ t yal ley, hnd linally illrclra~yingi nk? (;mud Juncuon aerrr, with an ultin~atefa ll of 27 fret .I inc:llri: Ik.rrotl~u f irwrr. 10.UW feet. with lro bendsesve twuaf 4.P whew the sewer names mder tbe railroad &&k. As i ? r , ~ u r i n~ga~t e r ~ ~ l pfporl lyh e~rhoolh,e made taoeuggetions. One-whirl) he <li~vanlvsIw ss t t g I I I H ~ Vc ~v~<t rct iwtiftih~ t he city watrrwvrka (new system) by lavina t,.0(10 fctrt of 4-inrlt i,itlc in ul:lr~o f tlr~2. -inch uiuu now iu u*t.his extennion nGt ii;cluding the diatrihui~dn for school grouidk; the other was to give the |