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Show It appears from these figures, which do not include the New Pork Indians and the Five Civilized Tribes, that there has been a gain dur-ing the last year of 1,417 in enrollment and 968 in average attendance, and that 23,036 Indian pupils, over 60 per cent of the school population, are gathered for dailv instruction and are beine trained in the habits and custo~nsof ciriliieil lifii. l u tho ronrract s;.'hools tlrere ha8 Lcen a dvrrense of llliiu enrollmelit and 155 in avel.uge at te~id:~~~Tehe1.5 has vesulred from the reducr~oo~fl 2ll per crnt req~~ire1d1 sln 1v ill the grant of fuuds for ~clioulso f tLiq chnmcter. Four of theao 'icl~oolsl ~ a r ebt rn converted into Government hoardi~ws vl~ools,t l ~ br n ilcline~n lld erluin. ment having been. purchased or rcnted froh the own&. one; t6e White's Manual Labor Institute of Wabash,Ind., has, much to our regret, been closed. The foliowing table exhibits the amounts allowed for contract schools for the current and several former yea,rs: Ammnta set apart for eduoatiola qf Indians in, schools %ndwp rivate oont1.01f o ~tlb n Jiscal yew# 1880 to 1896, ineluaive. ( 1889. ( 1890. 1 B91. ( 1802. ( 1893. ( 1884. ( 1895. / 18% Roman Catholic ............ Presbyterian ............... Congregational ............. Epiecoyal ................... Friends ..................... it^ .................. Unitarian ................... Lutheran,Wittenbergg Wii. Methodist .................. Mr8.L. E.D2gey Mir8 Howa Appropriation for Linaoln Institution ............... A pmpriation for aamptonptan ?natitnte ................. Woman's National Indian Asso~iatlon Point Iroquois, Mich P l u ~Cr esk,Lealic SDak.. Total ................ .)528,90J1 582,640 1 510.218/ 611, 570 1 533,241 1 531,600 1 463,505 i 370,196 Should the reduction go on at the same ratio from year to year, the oontract system will soon pass away. And we believe this to he wise policy, though we recognize and appreciate thegrand work done by con-tract and ~nissiou schools. But the time has come, and public senti-ment demands that the Government make ample provision for the secular education of all the Indian children and their proper t.raining for the duties of citizenship. And our hope is that such provision and large appropriations by the General Government may not be needed many more years, and that the whole work of Indian education may be transferred to State control. This, we think, is tlie next step and the ideal aim. A good beginning has already been made in this direction by placing Indian children in the public schools, 487 having been in this way provided for during the last year. We believe that the min-gling of the races in school will benefit both, arid that prejudice against it will gradually subside. We heaztily commend the purpose of Gom-missioner Browning to "further urge the system during the current fiscal year," and trust that it may be rapidly and widely extended. We recognize with approval the earnest efforts in this direction of the super-intendent of Indian schools. In his late report he says: In my endeavors to sacure the cooper&tion of State sn erintendents of inatmction I have met with hearty response from the State8 of f dington, Oregon, California, $341.612 41.825 29,310 18 700 23:381 3 125 5:400 4.050 2,725 275 83,400 20, 040 $356,951 41.650 28.459 24.876 23,383 4,375 5,400 1.560 9,940 600 33,49 20,040 ............................................................ .................................. .................. $363,349 44 850 27:271 29.810 24.743 4,375 5.400 9.180 6,700 .................................... 1 38,400 20,040 $394,150 44,310 29,146 23,220 24,743 4,375 5,400 16,300 13,080 2,000 33,400 20,040 I ................... I .........,..... ...................... $375, ffl5 30.090 25.786 4,860 10,020 3 , 7 5 ~ 5 400 15: 120 6,480 2,500 33,400 20, 040 9 0 $389,145 36,340 10.825 7.020 10,020 a,750 5,400 15,120 ........................... 3,000 33,400 W,MO 2,040 €40 ........ $359,216 ................. ................. 7.020 10,020 B,TSO 5 400 15: 120 .......................... 3,000 33,400 20,040 4,320 1,620 i ........ 8308.471 % 160 ........ 3.1% ........ ........ OW 3,000 33,400 20.940 ........ |