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Show 366 REPORTS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS school needing such, a good, iudnstrions, secuud wok, in the personof a filli-blood Indian boy, who is as faithful as desert sunshine. Farm sad garden.-There is a urarked improveelent over last year in this depart-meut, the pr e~enfta rmer being fairly indt~atrious. He known nothing of irrigation, very little of handling stock ancossufolly, and has little or no system in his work. His lack of knowledge ia hay-handling, combined with some rain, makes our home aspply of hay a Noat indiflerent article. He ha.8 been, however, considerably ham-pered by the Tome than bad condition in which the fann was left by a. predecessor, of m.horn I have said enough. * " * We have uov 20 acres renrly to be seeded to hay and 5 acre8 now 80 leveled as to be ready for planting to fruit trees. One more ear's work should add 10 acres to the hay land and 5 more acres to the orohard. By such reductions the 400 loads of manure we can snnnally put upon the iand will keep it in such condition as will enable us to hsve suol~v egetables as belong to our environments, for both smme r md winter use. Live stock.-As a result of a. misnuderstanding this has been a heavy expense to the sobool thia yenr. I asked authority to make some exohangea at a time exchanges oo~ll<hl sve been made to advantage. Thin was deoia4, and I wris authorized to butcher. Before the cattle could be put in beef condition this was countermanded by tele ram and exchanges authorized, but the opportuuities were gone. Already an age fad becn reached that mads trimming neceassry. The temporary fever made heavy red~~ctionins flesh, to be made up on boti h t feed. Now, as soon as beef con-dition is reaohed. the animals will be slnuehtere% sud eaten. but the beef from them will vusr na nlrc.nr lllree fin,<.%tlw eoulrn<i price. I f n a a ui,forr!l~lnfetl mt lloe cou-ditlun a rhc . l'lm 1,r.e by death has bcr l~n ercater lrartcnr rhnrl ia:~ra ll ,j#~nritinl,l~~. Snc,ll lorsea oa ruy O\ \ I I 1 3 ru~w ouid BUUU dri\c. IUV 10 I ~ i t n L- ~"~.~ nuofts~itvl>. stnudinr my anlary. Concerning the horses, 5 are good, 3 injured by negleot; 4 are aged, respectively, Snip, 14 years; Dally, 11 years, snd Sam and Pete nre soncewhere between 20 end 30; 2 are 2-year-old colts. Sam and Snip should be eold, and replaced by R light team for road work and light farm work, as the heavy teams are too slow fur snoh work. Bees.-The a,piary l ~ npsr oven most sntisfi~etorgth is gear. The yield of lloney has beeu fair, aud, though the work of the season was direoted to breeding and strength-ening existing colonies, the losses have been a.lmast retrieved, and existing colonies will go into vinter quarters in excellent shape. Irrigation.-After nine years of annaysnos, this matter is in good shape, andwe are now masters of the situation, and will be likely to remain in this position. Employees.-To my wifc, my clerk, three teachers shoe and harness maker, pbyei-c i a , searn~tre~1s8, 11ndr~s8a, nd cook, I am deepli indebted for the degree of soe-oess attained. Tho farmer has clone his best, aud ]nay in time nttnin IL degree of SUODBSR. * * * The following is a stntistieal table of school products for the yenr: 8wiag i'ooa. I Ca?peutn. shop. Aprons, assorted.. ................ 1% B~nnet sa, nn ..................... 6 Capes, shoulder .................. 2 Chemilows ...................... 76 Cloths. table ..................... 2& Coats,'sbirting. .................. Curtaios,winclow ................ Drawers, sssortcrl ......... p3il.s. . Dresses, assorted ...............-. Dresses, night, .................... Pants, jezn, boyb.'. ......... pairs.. Pants. shirting, boyd. ...... .do. .. Pillowcases ...................... P i l l u ~sh ams. .................... Sheets, bed ...................... Shirk, hickory ................... Skirts ............................ Socks, wool, bop' ......... pairs.. .S oolts, wool, men's. ........ .do... lo, lvels.. ......................... Un<?arshirts. ..................... Wa~s t.s. ......................... Cart, hand ............ ,. ........ 1 Bnildiup, house, poultry ........ 1 Buildings, storeroom ............ 1 S71oc and kavneas shop. Harness. doeblc. boavv.. .. .sets.. 2 Lines. .:. ............ :. ..... do ... 3 Shoes, boss' .............. pairs.. 130 Shaes.man's ............... do.'.. 91.; Shoes, misses' .............. do. .. 1Y Shoea,womeo's.. ........... do. .. 64 Faln~n rrd gav6meil. Beets ................. .younlds.. 8,926 Hay ...................... tons.. 2 9 Oats. ...................... do. .. fi P~lmpkiu.s. ..................... 300 $orghum .................. tons.. 2 Inn.easc of stock. Calves .......................... 12 |