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Show REPORTS OF AGENTS IN IDAHO. cate openviolation of law, and by some who have been arraigned for cattle stealing; but as the records of this office show four rears without a. crime westerthan the theft of a auddla the lgrlirf is nnrtlrilll? fo6eil rl.nt there 1s ou el&uent of white8 and Hnxirar~aiw thinsevriun wlw wall br,impruved I.yroota..r with rhnnlle,tt~dl 'toa. Emplapeea.-Tl~eo~~~ployorstahrix agenap hnmperformrd 1l1r.r rcspecrn.a~lutieaiu a eotirfacfory mnllrner, ;nd nt, snull aulnnnt oi rhn tnnw they hnvu had enclualva rhurgo, aa, betwwu tla~iuvos:uno i I'r:~It6!1o\v.h0~trr~udn nraav~t~hlo l:,llori~af ssem-hliur Indians in cot~nrilr n wraJ urmu the r~nnviw~0l1a' tlld act oi F~1~1uol2.v0 . I c Y ~ . my iinsrnre front rhc n,re~c?:hnall bcn frcqiaut and prolrartcd; and noc~n;~l;t;ur8;, s to ueglcct or a rbi t rnr~p m<:rireiI nr ? Iwrn riled 11.vr lln 11,~llans. Possibly, bowe!er, ther were a\\.nreof the b ~ l oui cuvnulainr~t il.tl from D~lra.n- e.o .a nd knew that the &ht had troubles of his om. Conclusion.-In concluding I desire to thank the honorable Commissioner and Assist-ant Commissioner for them spirit of fairness in allowing roo to meet all charges E referred in open investigation ss well as for the patience and consideration the,^ me exercised in passing npon the tales of woe t,hat have been wafted from this sec-tion since my last annual report. The Honorable Secretary of the Interior is cred-ited with the maertion that "all good agents are reported for irregularity." If so, I mnst stand at the head, as for the past few months the HonorableThomasP. Smith, Inspeotor Dunoan, and Franois E. Leapp, of the Indian Rights Association, have been kept busy invest,igating conditions at this egeooy and ss I am still here, I a m say without fear of contradiction that their verdict has renderer1 this zhaut the safeat place I can find. The novelty of n. Western man, a, re~ident of this section, who believes the Indians have righta and is willing to maintain them was too sud-den for this people, and aa a result of my efforca in battling for law and justice aa against prejudice and falsehood I have won a, degreoof unpopularity in this vioinity that oan only be duplicated by a "sound money" advooate. To quote the Actin Commissioner, "It is ri ht to h t t l e for a cause and wrong to ohmo up a fight." 7 have been gnilty of botf and eooept resulta. Very respectfully submitted. DAYID F. DAY, United States Indian Agmt. The COMMISSIONEORE INDIAANFP AIRW. REPORTS OF AGENTS IN IDAHO. REPORT OF FORT HALL AGENCY. FORTH ALLA GENCY, Rosa Fwk.. Bino- ham Gozmt.v.. Idaho.. Auo"u at M.1 895. SIP: In compliance with office regulations I have the hanor torespectfully submit the following report of affairs at this agency for the fiscal year ending ~one30,1895: Population.-A census prepared on the 30th dar of June, 1895, shows the total num-ber of Indians on the reservation to be 1,440, divided ss follows: Bannaoks: Males ....................................................................... ..... 227 Females .................................................... 206 Males above 18 years of age. ................................ 137 Females above 14 years of age ............................... 158 Sohool children 6 to 16 years of axe.. ........................ 87 Births during the year.. ...... ..:. .......................... 6 Deaths during the year.. .................................... 14 Shoshones: Males ....................................................... 503 Females .................................................... 5 U Moles abovs 18 yeam of age ................................. 206 Femalelea above 14 years of age ............................... 239 School children 6 to 16 years of age ......................... 237 Birthsduring the year. ...................................... 14 Deaths during the yew.. .................................... -17 - Bannacks ....................................................... 433 Shoshones ...................................................... 1,007 - Total ........................................................... 1,440 |