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Show IN COLORADO. 365 &nth and &little eastof the shops building is the schoolhouse and aasemblyhall, a two-story frame building faoing west, containing three roams and halls downstairs and an assembly room upstairs. Directly west of the boys' dormitory and facing south is the Iaundrjr and hoya' lavatory, a two-story frame, containing wash room, boys' bathroom. aud lavatory room dowustaira, ant1 an ironing room, linen room, and drying room upstairs. North snd west of the laundry and lavaturybuilding is aponltry housesurrounded by a wire fence, on the &pot fornierly occupied by the hlackamith shop. Northaf this is s frame barn 40 by 80 feet, facing east. North of the barn in a cattle shed 24 by 40 feet, fronting east, and northeast of the baru is an implement shed 18 by &feeIt, frontin? east; and north of the boys' dormitory are a aomnlirsnry and an ice house. West of theae are z milk house and a, guardhouse, while still farther west and get past of the laundry and lavatory is the new commissary recently eompleted. North alld enat of the bays' dormitory are s, beehouse, a bee shed, n lumlrsr house, and a fruit-box and beehive factory, north of which is the blnoksmitl~ shop rereotly removed. Such is the plant, without locating ooal houses, ail houses, and privies, all of which are in a state of good repnir, except possibly the old l~l "~bstro reroom. Literary work.-On this subject I submit the report of the principal teacher, as follows: Attend.ncs.-There hsve been aome duotnationsinattandanoe, as there will he In any eobwl, hut since the middleof November. 1894, when the largest de1egati.m of new puprls arrived, the attendance haa been stead,yand the nvarage for eaoh qunrter hae increased. The attendance fur eaoh qunrter in de.58 ia ss follows: Pirst qnarter 8 M9; second qnarter 10.45i. tb~rd qoarter. 11,444; fourth gonrtar. 11.857, giving8 total oiaz ,~md ais.' ~ b qsoar tsrlg av&ages fdr the year fullow: ~ i r sqtu nrter.e7.~~: aeoond itarter, 113.68: third qtxwmr. 127.16; fourth quarter. 130.30, with an~versgafurt l~seen , of 117.1". %wing the p a ? 35 papiis have gone *way and 61 have oome m, making a net g s ~ nof 26 for ofsueosss. Patron.-The matron's work has been better done than ever before, but. with the number o f ~ h i l d rma nd two buildings, the work has neoeasarily been almost exeln-siroly housekeeping, allowing very liftlo time for that work 80 essential fmnl the aol~ool mother toward and for the girls; yet both girls and boys are polite, well spoken, snd fairly thoughtful. 8eamstreaa.-Miss Alexander's work has haen up to her nsnal high standard, and the qnantity ofit has been sufficient, as shown by the statistical table presented with this report; but it is aa n moral force in the school that the is of greatest value. 1anndrew.-DIrs. Richardson is one example of the v<tlae as a, citizen of s full-blood Indian who bar been 80 fortnnatate as to have good training. She is faithful, indns-trions, and efficient to a degree that we depend on the laundry for its regular output with just as little concern as we entertain for tho revol~~tionsothf e l~sntlsof c lock. Cmpntry.-Again "thia department has been a most signs1 failure," a0 far as teaching the boxs carpentry, regularity or iudustry we8 concerned. " Kitchen and dim* mom.-There can not be found in the State, I think, two moms devoted to feeding the same nnmber of"regular8" which are bmter kept or where the food i8 better prepared or better relished. At any time now I osn ft~rnishto any |