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Show REPORT OF THE COMMIBBIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 11 conduct them hereafter as Government schools-buildings and appli-ances being wld or rented to the Government for Indian school use: Amoont of last ye*. B contract. Sohool at Wittenberg, Wis. (Lutheran) ....................... $15,120 Ramons School, Crow Reservation, Mont. (Unitarian). ......... 5,490 School at Greenville, Cal. (Woman's National Indian Associ-ation) ..... : .............................................. 4,320 Hope Sohool, Springfield, S. Dak. (Episcopal) .................. 4,860 Also the following school desired no renewal of contract: White's Manual Labor Institute, Wabasb, Ind. (Pnende). ..... 10,020 In this way $39,810 of the required reduction was easily provided for It remained, therefore, to make the rest of the reductions, to the extent of over $50,000, contrary to the wish of the contractors (ID all cases) and in such away and at such points as in the judgment of the Office would be for the best interests of the Iudians. To bring this about eontracts with twenty-three schools were reduced either in the number of pupils or the rate allowed per pupil; coutraots with four schools mere discon-tinued, and twenty-eight schools had their oot~tractsre newed without change. The equipment of the Ramona School on the Crow Reservation has been purchased and that school will be operated in the future as aGov-ernment school under the Crow agent. The schools at Wittenberg, Wis., Greenville, Oal., and Springfield, 9. Dak., have been rented from their owners and converted into regular Government boarding schools. A comparative statement of the contract ~choolsis exhibited in the following table: TABLE 8.-Schools conducted *%der oontraot, with nun~ber of pupils contracted fw, rate pw capita, and t o l d amovnt of ooal~.nofto rjiscal yeam a d ing June80, 0,1895, and Jllns $0, 1186. BBTB~MBi ch. (Chip ena boanlind ...... ~8maii11"bo araing,Rsw Msxioo. ........ California: - Eopland day ......,..... .............. W. Tvdbiua boardmg ................. Ukiah day ............................ Pinole day ............................ Colville Agency. Wash.: Colville bo.rdlng ..................... Caur d7Alene boardin% ::... ......... Crow Creek Agency, S. Da Immaoulate Qancep:ion boarding ..... Graoe Howard Misalon boardlog .......... crow A ency, Mont. : St. baaim.8 boardin $. .... : ......... Montana Indoatrial oardlng ....... %vile Lake Agonor. N.Dak.: St. Mary'sh~rdin TnrtleMouotain Port Belknap ~gen~y.%ont.: St. Paul's boardln&,.. ................ Gracerille boarding, mnwots ........... Green Bay Agency. Wis.: St. Joseph's boarding ................. 600 30 3.240 108 GOO 30 600 30 7.020 108 7,560 108 |