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Show 48 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. CONDITrONS TO BE .COhlPLIED WITH BY RAILROAD COXPANIE8. In the construction of railmays through Indian lands a systematic compliance by companies mitb thc conditions expressed in the right-of-way acts will prevent much unnecessary delay. I therefore quote the requirements which have been stated in previous reports. Each com-pany should file in this offiee- (1) A copy of its articles of incorporation, dnly certified to by the proper officers under its corporate seal. (2) Maps representing the definite location of the line. In the absence of any special provisions with rogard to the lsn@h of line to be represented upon the maps of definite loostion, they should bo SO prepared ns to represent sections of 25 miles each. If the line passes through surveyed land, they should shorn its location accn-rately according to the sectional subdivisions of the sorrey; aud if through unsur-veyed l a d , it should be earefnlly indiosted vith regard t o its general direotion and the natnral objects, farms, etc.,along the ronte. Each of these maps should bear the affihvit of the chief engineer, setting forth that the survey of the route of the companfny's road from -- to -, a distance of -- miles (giving termini and distance), was made by him (or under his direotion), as ollief engineer, under authoritv of the oomoanv".. on or between certain dates (.e- ivinz the same)... and that sueh survey is aocnrately represented on the map. Tho affidavit of the chief engi-neer must be sixned by him offioi%llya nd verified by tho eartifici~teoaf the president of the company, attested by its secretary under its carpornto seal, setting forth that the person signing tho affidavit wss either tho chief onginoer or was employed for the pnrpoae of making such wrvey, whish was done under the authority of the company. Farther, that the line of route so surveyed and represented by themap was adopted by the company by resolation of its board of directors of a certain date (giving the date) as the delinite location of the line of road from --to -, a distanoe of - milee (giving termini md distnlrce), and that tho map has been prepared to be filed for tho approval of the Secretary of the Interior, in order that the oompany may ohbin the benefits of the act of Congresa approved -( giving date). (3) Separate plats of ground desired for station purposes, in addition to right of way, should be filed, and such grounds ehonld not be represented upon tho maps of definite looation, but should be marked by etation nnmhers or otherwise, so that their exaot location con be determined upon the maps. Plats of station grounds should boar the same affidavits and oertifioates as maps of definite location. All maps presented for approval s h o ~ ~bl de drawn on trsolng linen, the sosle not less than 2,000 feet to the inoh, and should he filed in dnplicsts. These requirements follow, as fnr ea practicable, the published regulations govern-ing the practice of the General Land Officev i t h regard to r a i lwa~no ver the publie Iandnds, and they are, of course, subject to modifioi~tianb y any special provisions in a right-of-way act. LOGGLNG ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS. Lao dn Flambeau Reservation, Wis.-The logging on this reservation, which was entered npon September 2s: 1892, when the President granted anthority for the sale to J. H. Cnshway & 00. of the timber standing on Indian allotments, has proceeded satisfactorily since my last report. The only incidents of importance since then have been 1 the approval by the President, on February 27,1895, of a list of 128 |