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Show 80 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. I certify on honor that the following names ware given me by Frank H. Rhosds, J. P., as the names of the men who committed the assault put forth in the foregoing affida"$: J. G. Fisk, Ham Wort, Steve Adama, JoeCaIboun. William Crawford, Ed. Crawford, Martin Nelson, Joe Enfinger. W. Munger, Ed. Hunter, Frank Woods, Frank Peterson, Jack Shive, George Madison, Andrew Madison, M. V. Giltner, Charlea Estes, James Eates, Tom Estes, George Wilson, John Wllaon, Erv Wilson, Victor Gnstavse, Steve Leek, William Bellvue and John Cherrey, and William Manning. THO#. B. TETER, 0. S. Indian Agent. ' COUNTYO F BINGHAMS, tate of Idaho, 8s. Personally appeared before me Nemuta, Boo wsh go, Ya pa ojo, Mah mont, Wa, ha she go, Poodat, and Pahgoh eite, BamuokIndiana, who, being duly sworn, depoaetb andsrsy that they have heard the interpreter read to them the foregoing affidavit of Ben Senowin; that they were there present and know of their own knowledge the statement set forth is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. NEMUTS(h is x mark). Boo WAH GO (hi8 x mark). YA PA OJO (hie x mark). MAE MOUT (hia E mark). WA HA SAX GO (hiaxmark). Poo DAT (his x mark). PAX GOH EITE (hi8 x mark). Witnesaea: RATENEL MACRETH. TOMMY COSGROYE. Sworn md anbsoribed to before me this 1st day of September, 1896. P. H. RAY, Captain, EightA Igrfant~y, Sunmalg Cowt OBw. CAnrP UNITED STATES TROOPS, Fort Hall Agency, Idaho. I Witness: DAIN'L T. WELLS, Captailz, Eighth Infaatry. Report was thereupon made to the Department September 11,1895, inclosing a copy of the above af7idavits. As shown by Article I, heretofore quoted, of the treaty of these Indians with the United States, coneluded July 3,1868 (15 Stats., G73), this Qovernment is bound, under the said treaty provisions, to cause the offenders' arrest and punishment according to the laws of the Uuited States, and also to reimburse the injured persons for loss sus- . trained. The proof necessary, as stipulated in the said Article I, is now before the Department, and, in the opinion of this office, no means should be left untried and no efforts be spared by the Department to the end tha.t the treaty provisions with these Indians may be faith-fully carried out and ,good faith kept with them on the part of the Government. In view of the above, and of the fact that these Indians are still sullen and very much dissatisfied with the action already had in the case, and urge that the guilty whites be punished, it was submitted in my said report of September 11,1895, whether or not something could . be clone by the Departmen* of Justice toward punishing the offenders. |