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Show 2 REPORT OF THE COMMlSBlONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. The Indian appropriation mt for 1895 included several agreements with Indian tribes forcessionsof land involvingappropriationsaggregat-ing $2,467,697. It also provided for payment of damages to settlers on the Crow Creek and Winnebago reservations, amounting to $119,119.19, and authorized the Secretary OF the Treasury to place upon the books of the Treasury to the credit of the several Indian tribes interested therein the face value of certain nonpaying State bonds or stocks, to draw interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, said bonds to become the property of the United States. Certain Shawnee funds were also capitalized. Although taking no money out of the Treasury, tbese two latter things apparently involved an appropriation of $1,430,666.66. These various items are as follows: Payment of dmages to settlers on Crow Creek and Win-nehsgo reaersations.. ................................. $119,119.19 Payment t o Yankton tribe for lands. .................... 621,475. 00 Payment to Yakama tribe for lands ...................... 20,000.00 Psyment to Cmur d1Alenss for lands. .............. : ..... 15,000. 00 Payment to Silete Indians for lands ...................... 142,600.00 Payment to Nez Peroes for lands. ........................ 1,668,622.00 Capitalization of Shawnee fonds ........................ 100,000.00 Face value of certain State bonds asaumed by the United States ................................................ 1,330,666.66 Total ............................................. 4,017,482.85 Deducting this total from the total appropriated by the act- $10,750,486.03-and there remains for the current expenses of the fiscal year 1895, $6,733,003.18. For the fiscal year 1896 the total amount appropriated is $8,763,751.24. The act contains no agreements with the Indian tribes involving any considerable expenditure, but does contain several items outside of the ordinary, as follows: For compensating the Indians of the Crow Creek Reservation far loss sustained by receiving lessland per capita. than they , were entitled to.. ......................................... $181,039 For pay'ment of the firat installment due the Cherokee Nation for the purohaae of the "Cherokee Ostlet" ................ 1,660,000 For survey af the Indian Territory by the Geologicel Survey. 200,000 Total ................................................. 2,047,039 Deducting this from the total appr ,riafed, and there remains for the current expenses of 1896, $6,716,712 4. Comparing the two years, we havc Current expenses for 1895.. ........................... $6,733,03.18 Current expenses for 1896 ............................. 6,716,712.24 Differenoe in fevor of 1896 ........................ 16.290.94 The estimates for the current expenses for 1896, presented to Dm-gress by this office, amounted to $6,723,844.83; the amount appre priated, therefore, is $7,132.69 less than the eatimatea |