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Show mm?" gnu-w..." 18 ON LORD NORTH's PLAN. l' 29" l would crufh a little turbulent faé'rion, who diilurbed their" darling meafures? Certainly men, intoxicated with a luff of abfolute power, found fomething in the appearance of things to tole them on to an objeé't f0 grateful to their fonde'll' wifhes; otherwife they would have been contented to augment and confirm their power by fuch un- perceived degrees, that the happy days, many tell us, we have enjoyed under a continually invading ufurpation, would not yet have been to fenfibly interrupted. No let‘s has the to often extolled governor Tryon been difappoint- ed in his benevolent intentions refpeél‘ing New York. His hand on Long lfland, and on the cal]: fide of Hudion's River, with Sir John johnfon among his vallals, and the Indians, gave him great hOpcs of having matters in a fine train before the invincible armada arrived inthe {tiring ; infiead of which, it is probable the aéiive gene- i luau: ral Lee will {0 fortify that place, that all the force they can fend againl't it, will be infnflicient to reduce it. Dunmore, with all his wanton ravage, has done little more than cxafpcrate the Virginians, and convinced that brave colony, that they can be formidable to favages on the caii, as well as welt {ide of their dominion. Carle-' ton's Canadians make no fuch figure in the harangues of the penlioner, as they did 121?: year; and in cafe foreigners are to be procured to be poured in upon us, the greateli oppolers of our total feparation from Britain ac- '02: flizdzizg COMMISSIONERS to treat twirl! we CONGRESS. THE man who 'would penetrate all the defigns, and thoroughly acquaint himfelf with the feveral manoeuvres, of the Britifh government, ought carefully to attend to two objects, viz. The prime minifter is always confidered as the central wheel of all govern~ rnent movements, and the eyes of every one are fixed upon him, and his motions alone attended to. But in the prefent cafe, where he is confeiledly oilenfrble, the affair is quite otherwife; and he who wiflies to (liftin- guifh between the meafures which proceed from the real minii'ter, and will be profccuted, and thofe which the oflenfible ls direéted to hold out, as barrels to a whale, may, perhaps, find the true clue to guide through the labyrinth in the following ohfervations. Great-Britain has Readily and invariably purfued one courfe of conduit towards thefe colonies for the lat}: 12 years, and yet politicians have conltantly charged her with ficklenefs and a want of a regular plan. He who difcerns the true caufe of this inconliflent confillency, can point Out its nature, end, and nfe, and [how that this ficklenefs demonfirates the firmelt ileadfafinefs, fees knowledge, they would then no longer defer a declara- into the bottom of the prefent Britifh policy, and com- tion of independency, and application to other powers for their proteétion. To this the whole fcene appears prehends all her meafures. This knowledge Iwifii every member of the Honorable Continental Congrefs rapidly advancing, in my View, as haflily as infinite VVlf-i poifelled of, with virtue and fpirit fuflicient to withfland all their efforts to defiroy our liberties. dom thinks proper to conduét it; and if this be his mof'c gracious defign, he will work, and none {hall hinder. Amen, beneficent Jehovah! Amen. Sicflerat. As foon as the Parliament is called, the King gives certain intimations of his defigns, and applies for the approbation and fupport of the Commons. SINCERUS. Here we have a {mall Opening of the defigns of the Cabinet, no more being communicated than is abfolutely necef- fary for obtaining a general concurrence and Ivote of aids from Parliament. This being once obtained. by way of addrefs, a new plan opens, and that fpnit, which was routed by this difeovery of the real dehgns E ctr" |