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Show 6 ADDITIONS TO COMMON taim laws, and more eflwially consTrrru'rtoNsz are the: very inftruments of ilOavery. The. l\/Iagna 'Qharta of was England was very exphcrt, confidcri‘ng .theltune it formed, and yet much blood was fpilt in difputes con- . . cerning its meaning. dependance upon nite indefi an of r Befides the dange an undetermined power, it might be worth while to con- fider what the charaéters are on whom we are fo'ready to acknowledge ourfelves dependant. The votaries for SENSE. 7 fent trouble and expence, at the price of their own and poflerity's liberty l The honefl: party in England cannot with for the reconciliation propofed. It is as unfafe to them as to us, and they thoroughly apprehend it. What check have they now upon the Crown, and what {hadow of controul can they pretend, when the Crown can command fifteen or twenty millions a year, which they have nothing to fay to P A proper proportion of our commerce this idol tell us, upon the good people ofiour Mother- is all that can benefit any good man in Britain or Ireland, and God forbid we fhould be f0 cruel as to furnifh bad Country, whom they reprefent as the mol'tJult, humane, and affectionate friends we can have in the world. Were this true, it were fome encouragement; but who. can Adminiflration has now fairly difl'evered the dangerous men with power to enflave both Britain and America. pretend ignorance that thefe Juli and humane friends tie : execrated will he be by the latef't pof'terity who again joins the fatal cord! But, fay the puling pufillanimous are as much under the tyranny of men of a reverfe charaéter as we {hould he, could thefe mifcreants gain their cowards, we {hall be fubjeél: to a long and bloody war, if we declare independance. On the contrary, I affirm ends? Idifclaim any more than a mutual dependance on any man, or number of men, upon earth; but an in- it the only {lep that can bring the conteft to a fpeedy and happy iffue. By declaring independance we place definite dependance upon a combination of men, who have, in the face of the fun, broken throughythe mol't ourfelves on a footing for an equal negociation: now St. Vincent Indians, can expect nothing more than a v. rupted the eleé'tive guardians of the people's rights ; pardon for our lives, and the fovereign favour, refpet‘l- ,2 we are called a pack of villainous rebels, who, like the folemn covenants, debauched the hereditary, and corwho have, in fact, el'tablilhed an abfolute tyrrany in Great-Britain and lreland, and openly declared themfclvcs competent to bind the Colmg/is in all arfis whaflbe'ver: I fay, indefinite dependance on fuch a combination of ufurpmg ing freedom and property, to de at the King's will. Grant, Almighty God, that I may be numbered with the dead before that fable day dawn on North-America! innatmtar: is evidently as dangerous to liberty, as fatal to civil and focial happinefs, as any one Prep that could be propofed, even by the dtflroyer of men. i .15.: "","I"""""l'5" 5. ‘ 'iuair The utmofl: that the honel't party in Great-Britain can do, is to warn us to avoid this dependance at all hazards! Does not even a Duke of Grafton declare the minif'terial meafures illegal and dangerous? And fhall America, no way con~ neéted with this adminil'tration, prefs our fubmiffion to fuch meal'ures, and reconciliation to the authors of them? Would not fuch pigeon-hearted wretches equally forward the recall of the Stuart family, and the ellablilhment of Popery throughout Chrii'tendom, did they conceive the All Europe knows the illegal and inhuman treatment we have received from Britons. All Europe wifhes the haughty Emprefs of the Main reduced to a more humble deportment.' After herfelf her, the maritime powers fuffer her to reduce them of her dié'tates than they has thrutl her Colonies from cannot be fuch ideots as to to a more abfolute obedience were heretofore obliged to yield. Does not the mof'c fuperficial politician know, that, while we profefs ourfelves the fubjeéts of GreatBritain, and yet hold arms againl't her, they have a right to treat us as rebels, and that, according to the laws of nature and nations, no other {late has a right to interfere in the difpute? But on the other hand, on our declara- party in favour of thofe loyal meafures the firongellt? Shame on the men who can court exemption from pre» tion of independance, the maritime Rates at leall will tent Qt {tad it their intereft, which always fecures the queftion |