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Show f_wa'.-_ ., ,_ 9y? mam-w"- ., ._~mw_ ""'-"""'1i 1 Mr 2 k 3o "I "/3 ‘ SENDING COMMISSIONERS TO THE CONGRESS. therefore obferve, that, as foon as the hands of the fecret cabinet are let loofe by loyal addreiles, things take a new turn in Parliament immediately; and the ye timid, irrefolute, terrified, and double-faced Whigs, who have, by one means or other, crept into authority, open your mouths wide, and bawl {toutly againlt every vigorous meafure until the Commiflioncrs arrive. ,, hand; the one to divide, the other to conquer. prime minil'ter, as if totally forfaking the high ground he had lately taken pofleffion of, begins to Open new plans of a very different nature from that held out in addrefles of both Houfes of Parliament. lofe all by it; {o that he was forced to take off the malk, and partly difcover himfelf, before he could carry matters in the Houfe. Any-one who remembers his motion will feel the force of what is here related; and i ‘ 33 figned him. ,gzm_ weeks before the order for feizing Meilrs. Hancock and Adams, which opened the prefent {cene of the war, mull perceive that he afled in the capacityI have af- ,1 lawn-4‘. .‘W‘ *5" ,he who recolleéts that {aid motion arrived but a few Even they who entertain the molt indif- ferent opinion of the Adminiflration were, by this motion, induced to be believe, for a time, that they meant to give up the matter. He is now playing the fame game Over again. Propofals for a reconciliation, Commiflioners, and what not, are now held out as the motion was lal't year, and for the fame purpofes. The two parties now divide, each going to his own proper bulinefs:--the {ecret cabinet, to arrayingr the rated military force they can mutter, and dilpatching Was All They will bring pockets well lined with Englifh gui- greafed. The cabal go Is it not {0 now? neas; patents for places, penlions, and titles, in abun- dance, will attend them. nation. And he has hitherto played his part {0 well, that all has gone on to their mind. He lalt year rendered them invifible even to their own party, and had like to 1%"?fin.' , it not precifely fO laft year? the fpeech from the throne, and recommended in the to work with all the (army and vigour they are mailers of, and Lord North alTumes his new charaaer, which. is that of the dcceiver Of America, and amufer of the ,, . m," fi-Ivh‘dflmfi 31 of the government, is laid alleep as quickly as poflible, and the real minifler now retiring behind the curtain, the ofienfihle one fuccceds to his place. You may Your palms will be firfl: You are the only men who can complete the Parliamentary plans for railing an American revenue! COMMON SENSE fays this winter is worth an age; re- joice that it is now pail; do all in your power to pafs the fpring in inactivity, and matters may yet go to your minds. Lord North's motion lafi winter did much for you; the Commiflioners, equally improved, will probably crown your wilhes. I {hall thank God, and heartily rejoice, if your influence reach not the councils and proceedings of the Congrel‘s. . Depend upon it, my countrymen, " divide {3' 1m- era" is the infirué'tion of every Commiflioner; and his orders will be delayed, that he may divide and diltraét as much as poflible, until the forces are all arrived, and they be in a condition to enforce their plan; then they will inform you, they have received orders, by which they are commanded to break of}. the treaty. . TOO many have already loft light Of our real enemies, and are {0 falcinated with the profpeél: of Commiflioners that I begin to dread the (mare, and cannot help crying out to you, Oh, fooliih Americans! Who has bewitched you, that yOu {hould put any confidence in men who {pill your blood with as little ceremony and reluctance as a butcher would that of an ox! Is this . all you know of minillers .9 I know there is not a Tory now on the continent t em to butcher us with the utmolt expedition; Lord Noth, and the Parliament, to amufe the nation, and dlflraé't and divide the Colonies by every hypocritical but hopes thefe Commiflioners will effect their purpofe, and are preparing to give them every poifible aifii'tance, art in their power. occaiion. Thus the two plans go hand in hand ; and very few Whigs who have not their fears on the Every thinking man on both hdes of the quefiion mull, and does Eelieve, that their [018 errand 2 is |