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Show 26 OBSERVATIONS ON thoufand pound penfion to the lift, in a conjunéture, when all mankind will contefs there is need of faVing. Thefe burthcnfome penfions muft come from tome part of the dominionsl If Great Britain and Ireland have conceived fuch a mortal hatred to America, that they can hug her molt inveterate enemies in their bofomsaand vote them fuch munificent rewards for drawing her into {0 deflruélive a civil war, we cannot be lafe in the power of fuch enemies. If they abound in reiources as largely as Mr. \Vedderburne and others boaf‘t they do, let thleitn ceafe complaining of. their poverty, and contentedly (l - charge their own national debt, rather than-go on tilllg- menting; or by their efl‘orts .to faddle it,‘w1th an uli: imited penfion-liit, on America. Does the natifinA ear methe weight of the prefent unnatural. quarrel wit court, the of aflurance firm a than terms, other Iica on LORD NORTH's PLAN. 27 more.l Sm! aut Car/(2r aut mulm, feems the unalterable determination of the man, who foothed our already elated exireétations, by an inaugural declaration, that he glaried in the name of Briton, at that time; a dillinflive cha- raéteriftic of the patrons of univerfal liberty. If therefore the whole body of the governing, and influential part of the governed in Great Britain, be unalterably fet upon extorting tribute from the colonies ; and the better to fecure the colleé'tion of it, claim right to impofe the laWS, and executors of thofe laws, dependant only on themfelves for appointment, continuance and fupport; and all thefe to be extended at their {ole pleafure; it may readily be determined in what condition the abfolutely paflive fubjeéts of fuch an unnatural ufurpation would quickly be. It is evident they have concluded on two that millions of leading mens dependants {hall be pro- things, viz. to make a bold puili for our entire fuhjeétion, vided for in America, for whom places can by no means as their ends would be thereby more readily anfwered ; but that being found impracticable, we are to be tried with negociation, in which all the craft, duplicity and he found at home? Is not the very genius of the people of Great Britain and Ireland corrupted, infomuch, that the views of young fellows of education, or any coin" neélion with men of note, are aitogether fet on pub icf money? Can our peaceable men indulge a glean]: 0d hope, that this humour Will'alter, or that youths, re in idlenefs and diffipation, Will become iiidufirious and difintcreiicd patriots 3 if they can,.they niui't then be fo weak as to conceit, that rniiiiiters Will become lefs fond of fingering the public money, and fecufring themfejlveshin plaCes of poWer and profit by means or it; indee '.t a: they will become more honcft and laving of the nationa money than thore the .Cnl‘illltuthl'l has apponited as a check upon them. It is no moritiertney tan; of fending. a formidable fleet and army to bring over their terms or reconciliation, when they are in no one article different. from the terms they firf't aimed to impofe. .Had the minif‘ter the temoteit idea of favouring us With a govern- mtnt of laws, which had any relpeit to the fecurity ‘of our lives and properties, he had long fince granted it With a ood grace to petitions, made and repeated With the weft dutiful perfeveriitg afieé'iion, which afked for 11:21:?!) punie faith of adminiftration is to be expedited. Pray God it may be wifely and firmly guarded againfil The worthy and honourable john Collins, Efq. of Newport, Rhode lfland, on the arrival of Lord North's lait con- ciliatory plan, obferved, that notwithftanding the expofure of his large eftate, to Whatever depredations the enemy faW fit to make upon it, he was more concerned for the probable fuccefs of their arts than arms. Had the Americans in general the wifdom and firmnefs of that gentleman, matters would never have come to the prefent melancholy lengths we find them. However, in the great and general plan of him who putteth down and fetteth up itates, this is doubtlefs an 'indifpenfible part, and therefore not to he complained of; but it has amazed me to contemplate the numerous inf'tances of difappointment our enemies have met with, in every plot they have laid for our deflrué'rion. How did Bernard and Hutchinfon flatter themlelves with the number of friends they had in feveral towns of the Mafl‘aehufett's, and thought that a very trifling force, from the other tide of the wa- ter, added to their minions, dependants and expeélants, would |