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Show 44 PROPOSALS FOR Propofals for a CONFEDERATION of the A CONFEDERATION. 45 United Colonies. JR 7] C L E S of agreement and coafldcmtz'on, entered into by the fiveml [Monies "f Nrw-Hmnp/bire, qufn‘bzi/iu‘sa Ba , R/Mde-Iflaml and Prom/(fame P/rmm/iam, Cm- mfiz‘cut, New-T07‘1‘, NetU-yt'rji')‘, Pmnfln'wan/a, {/92 Three Lower Counzies 072 Delaware, [14 xiv/and, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia. A R T I C L E I. HE {aid colonies do feverally enter into a firm' league and covenant with each other to act in: union, by the name of 7775 United Colorzirs in Nbrtb; flmerim, for their common defence againi't their enemies, the fecurity of their LlBith'l‘IlflS and PROPERTiES, and for their mutual and general welfare. 11. Each colony [hall retain and enjoy as much as it may think fit of its own prefent laws, cuiloms, privileges, and peculiar confiitutions, and have the {ole direciion and government of its own internal police, but ihall form no alliances or political connetftions with the people of any other country or fiate, {eparate from the other United Colonies. Ill. For the management of their common interei'ls and concerns, a general Congrefs of Delegates, from the i‘everal United Colonies, {hall be held on the Edit Thurfday of September, annually, at inch place as the Congrefs {hall appoint; the next'September ieflion to he at {uch place as the prefent Congrei‘s {hall appoint: and each fucceedingr annual firfiion {hall be in a dif~ ferent colony, until it hath been held in {even of the middle colonies at leafi, and to in perpetual rotation, unleiis exigencies require a deviation, or the Congrefs {hall think fit to enlarge the Circuit, or extend it to all the colonies. The number of Delegates from each colony fizali {hall he in proportion to the number of its inhabi- tants, of every age and quality, not exceeding one De- legate for every thirty thoufand inhabitants complete, who {hall be annually elected by the Legiflative Allem- bly, or Convention, of the refpeé'tive colonies. And to eonftitute a Congrefs, two thirds at leaf't of the United Colonies {hall be reprefented therein. And aconcur- rcnce ofa majority of the Colonies reprefented, and alfo a majority of the Delegates prefent, {hall he neceffary to make a vote of the Congrefs. The Delegates, when convened in Congrefs, {hall elect one of their number to prefide, and a fuitable perfon for fecretary, to keep a record of their votes and proceedings, I IV. The Congrefs {hall have authority to agree on proper matures for the defence and {ecurity of the United Colonies againft all their enemies; for relioring peace and harmony with Great-Britain, on terms not in‘ confident with the confiitutional rights of any of the colonies; to manage treaties. and form alliances of amity and commerce With other fiates; determine on peace and war, fuperintend Indian affairs, eflablifh and regulate pelt-offices, hear and determine controverfies between colony and colony, according to the right of the parties, by the rules of law or equity; make rules for regulating the naval and land forces in the pay of the United Colonies, appoint the general-officers to command them, and other officers neceflhry for the manageing public aliairs under the direction of the Congrefs, appoint a committee of Safety and Correfpondence t0_ tranlmit {uch matters in the recefs of the Congrefs as may be judged necefl‘ary to commit to them for the gee neral welfare or the United Colonies. But the Congrefs ihall have no authority to impofe or leavy taxes, or interfere with the internal policy of any of the Colonies, V. The charges of war, and all other expenlces that {hall be incurred for the common welfare, and allowed hy the Congreis, {hall be defrayed out of the common treafury, which {hall be {upplied by the feveral colonies, ‘ G if |