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Show I "mem .m- mar-vA-n-r .. . ...-.=§m";€5¢"t w e'm" ,. A" PRINCIPLES, 82"". g" the QUAKERS. to eerity guard againf't and rejeét all fuch meafures and mentably prevalent? Have we not, therefore, abundant occafton to break off from our fins by righteoufnefs, and our iniquities by {hewing mercy to the poor; and, with true contrition and abafement of foul, to humble ourfelves, and fupplicate the almighty preferver of men, to fhew favour, and to renew unto us a {late of tran- quility and peace? its}: It is our fervent defire that this may foon appear to he 1%£17 II PRINCIPLES, £912 of ti]: QUAKERS. the pious refolution of the people in general, of all ranks and denominations; then may we have a well-grounded hope, that wifdom from above, which is pure, peace- able, and full of mercy, and good fruits, will prefide and govern in the deliberations of thofe who, in thefe perilous times, undertake the tranfacotion of the molt im- portant public affairs 3 and that by their Heady care and endeavours, conflantly to act under the influences of this wildom, thofe of inferior fiations will be incited diligently to purfue thofe meafures which make for peace, and tend to the reconciliation of contending parties, on principles dic‘tated by the Spirit of Chrii'r, who " came ngt to deflroy mens lives, but to fave them." 5 Luke ix. . We are (0 fully affured that thefe principles are the molt certain and effectual means of preventing the extreme mifery and defolations of wars and bloodfhed, that we are conflrained to intreat all who profefs faith in Chrilt to manifeil' that they really believe in him, and deftre to obtain the bleflings he pronounced to the makers of peace. Mat. v. councils as may increafe and perpetuate the difcord, animofities, and unhappy contentions, which now for- towfully abound. We cannot but with diflrefed minds befeech all fuch, in the mof't folemn and awful manner, to confider that, if by their acting and perfifl'ing in a proud, fulfill] fpirit, and not regarding the diétates of true wifdom, fuch meafures are purfued as tend to the {hedding of innocent blood; in the day when they and all men {hall appear at the judgment-feat of Chrif'r, to receive a reward ac- cording to their works, they will be excluded from his favour, and their portion will be in everlafling mifery. See Mat. xxv. 4r. 2 Cor. v. IO. The peculiar evidence of divine regard manifefted to our anceflors, in the founding and fettlement of thefe provinces, we have often commemorated, and define ever to remember, with true thankfulnefs and reverent admi- ration. When we confider-That at the time they were perfecuted, and fubjec'ted to fevere fufferings, as a people unworthy of the benefits of religious or civil fociety. the hearts of the King and rulers under whom they thus {uttered were inclined to grant them thefe fruitful coun~ tries, and entruf't them with charters of very extenftve powers and privileges-That on their arrival here the minds of the natives were inclined to receive them with teat hofpitality and friendlhip, and to ced, to them the moll: valuable part of their land on very eixy terms.- That while tne principles ot'jul‘rice and mercy continued His fpirit ever leads to feek for and improve every opportunity of promoting peace and reconciliation, and conttantly to remember, that, as we really confide in him, he can, in his own time, change the hearts of all men in fuch manner, that the way to obtain it hath been often opened contrary to every human profpec‘t or ex-peé'cation. ‘ ‘ May we, therefore, heartily and fincerely unite in fupplications to the Father of Mercies, to grant the plen- tiful efl'ulions of his Spirit to all, and in an efpecial man< net to thol'e in fuperior fiations, that they may with fincerity to prelide, they were preferved in tranquility and peace, free from the defolating calamities of war; and their endeavours were wonderfully bleffcd and profpered, fo that the laying of the wifeit of Kings was iign Ally verified to them, " when a man's wars ple fr: the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." Prov. xvi. 7 The benefits, advantages, and favour, we have "FCrienced by our dependence on, and conneftion with, he Kings and government under which We have elljf) rd this |