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Show [too] cy in your Speech fuppof‘es in any of the Do- Capacity OHlYP-" ---If it be difficult for us .minions; all which accords with the Principles our Anccflors held. " And he is to bear the Burden of Taxes of the Place wbere be cometb, but living in one or for his Livelihood in one, be i: mat to ie taxed in 1/1: oI/Jer, becaufe Laws ordain Taxes, Impofitions and Charges as a Difcipline of Subjection particularizcd to every particular Nation :" Nothing we think,can be more to lhow how the King acquired a Titleto this Country in his naturalCapacity, or feparate from his Relation to his Subjects, which we contefs, et we conceive it will be equally difficult for your Excellency to {how how the Body Politiek and Nation of England acquired it. Our Ance- clear to our Purpofe than this Decifion, ofJudges, {lors fuppofed it was acquired by neither ; and therefore they declared, as we have before quoted from your Hillary, that Caving their actual perhaps as learned as ever adorned the Englilh Purchafc from the Natives, of the Soil, the Do- Nation ;.‘or in Favor of America in her prefent minion, the Lordlhip anl Sovereignty, they had in the Sight of God and M.«n, no Right and Title to what they Doilit rd. How much clear- Controverfy with the Mother State. .Your Excellency fays, that by our not dillin- er then in natural Rcalbn and Equity mutt on: fiuilhing between the Crown of England and the Title he, who hold Ellates dearly purchaicd at ings and Qieens of England in their pcrfonal the Exporter: of our own as well as our Anccllora or naturalCap-acities,we have been led into a fun- Labour, and defended by them with l‘rcal‘urc and Blood. damental Error." Upon this very Dillintftion we have availed ottrlelves. We have {aid that our Anceflors confidercd the Land which they Your Excellency has been pleafed toconfirm, took Polit'flion of in America as out of the rather than deny or confute a Pit-ce'ot Hitlory Which you fay we took from an anonnnous Pam» Bounds of the Kingdom of England, and out ofthe Reach and Extent ofthe Laws of England; and that the King alfo even in the A6} of grantmg the Charter, confide-red the Territory as not wrlém the Realm; that the King had an 2be- lute Right in himfelf to difpoi‘e of the Lands, and that this was inot difpoted hy the Nation ; nor could the Lands on any {olid Grounds be claimed by the Nation, and therefore our Antceflors received the Lands by Grant from the King, and at the fame Time compacted With him and ‘promif'ed him Homage and Allegiance. not in his publick or politick but natural phlct, and by which you " {car we have been too eafily mzfled." It may be gathered. from your own Declaration and other Atuthortttes he.fides the 3'90 ii nous Pamphlet, that the finely: of Commons took Exception, not at the hing 3 having made an ahlnlt‘ue Grant ofthe l erritory. but at the Claim of an cxcluliv: Right ff.) the Filhcry on the Banks and Sea (Io-ill, by 't art-tic; 0f. the Patent. At this you fly " the ; ‘oulc or brought Commons was alarmed, and a Bil was this upon And in for allot inc: 3 free lililhcry." ,Occafion yourExcellcncy allows, that " cit-7‘0! 1""? Cai‘ccity \uw |